
难度: medium



System requirements


  1. Cache Storage: Efficiently store frequently accessed web content to reduce response time.
  2. Cache Invalidation: Implement a mechanism to invalidate or update cached content when the original data changes.
  3. Cache Retrieval: Provide a method to retrieve cached content for user requests.
  4. Cache Eviction: Implement a strategy to evict least recently used content to make room for new cached content.
  5. Cache Expiration: Implement a time-based expiration mechanism to remove stale content from the cache.
  6. Cache Persistence: Ensure cached data is persistent to handle server restarts without losing cached content.
  7. Cache Configuration: Allow configuration of cache size, expiration times, and eviction policies.


  1. Scalability: The system should be able to handle increasing loads by scaling horizontally.
  2. Efficiency: Cache operations should be fast and consume minimal system resources.
  3. Consistency: Cached content should reflect changes made to the original data source.
  4. Reliability: The system should be robust and maintain data integrity even during failures.
  5. Security: Implement measures to prevent unauthorized access to cached content.
  6. Maintainability: The system should be easy to maintain and troubleshoot.
  7. Performance: Cache hits should significantly reduce response time for user requests.
  8. Flexibility: Allow for easy integration with different web servers and configurations.

Capacity estimation

Estimate the scale of the system you are going to design...

API design

For the web cache system, several APIs are expected to facilitate interactions between different components and external systems. These APIs can include:

  1. Cache Management APIs:
  • put(key, value, expiration_time): Adds or updates an item in the cache with the specified key, value, and expiration time.
  • get(key): Retrieves the value associated with the specified key from the cache.
  • delete(key): Removes the item associated with the specified key from the cache.
  • invalidate(key): Invalidates the cached item associated with the specified key, forcing a refresh from the original data source.
  • clear(): Clears the entire cache, removing all cached items.
  1. Configuration APIs:
  • set_cache_size(size): Sets the maximum size of the cache.
  • set_eviction_policy(policy): Sets the eviction policy used to remove items from the cache when it reaches its maximum size.
  • set_expiration_time(key, expiration_time): Sets the expiration time for a specific cached item.
  • get_configuration(): Retrieves the current configuration settings of the cache system.
  1. Monitoring APIs:
  • get_cache_stats(): Retrieves statistics about the cache, such as hit rate, miss rate, and cache usage.
  • get_cache_contents(): Retrieves a list of keys and metadata for all items currently stored in the cache.
  1. Cache Invalidation APIs:
  • register_invalidation_listener(listener): Registers a listener to receive notifications about changes to the original data source, allowing for automatic cache invalidation.
  • trigger_invalidation(key): Manually triggers the invalidation of a cached item associated with the specified key.
  1. Lifecycle Management APIs:
  • initialize_cache(): Initializes the cache system, setting up any necessary resources and configurations.
  • shutdown_cache(): Gracefully shuts down the cache system, releasing any allocated resources.

These APIs provide the necessary functionality for managing, configuring, monitoring, and interacting with the web cache system. They enable seamless integration with web servers and other systems that utilize caching for performance optimization.

Database design

Database choice

Cached Content:

  • Database Type: NoSQL (e.g., Redis)
  • Reasoning: NoSQL databases like Redis are well-suited for caching scenarios due to their high-performance, in-memory storage capabilities. They provide fast read and write operations, which are crucial for caching frequently accessed content.
  • CAP Theorem Focus: AP (Availability and Partition Tolerance)

Cache Metadata:

  • Database Type: SQL (e.g., PostgreSQL)
  • Reasoning: SQL databases are suitable for storing structured data like metadata. PostgreSQL, for example, offers robust features for data integrity, querying, and indexing, which are essential for managing metadata efficiently.
  • CAP Theorem Focus: Balanced (Consistency and Partition Tolerance)

Cache Configuration:

  • Database Type: NoSQL (e.g., MongoDB)
  • Reasoning: NoSQL databases provide flexibility for storing and querying configuration data. MongoDB's document-based structure allows for easy representation of configuration settings as key-value pairs or JSON documents.
  • CAP Theorem Focus: AP (Availability and Partition Tolerance)

Partitioning Strategy:

  • Efficient partitioning is essential for distributing data across multiple nodes to achieve scalability and performance.
  • We can partition data based on the cache key or URL to ensure that related content is stored together and evenly distributed across partitions.

Geographical Partitioning:

  • Geographical partitioning may not be necessary for a web cache system unless there's a specific requirement to serve content from different geographic locations.
  • However, if geographical partitioning is required, it can be implemented using content delivery networks (CDNs) or by deploying cache nodes in different regions.

Scaling Strategy:

  • Horizontal scaling is typically preferred for scaling a web cache system to handle increasing traffic and data volume.
  • We can add more cache nodes or instances to the system to distribute the workload and accommodate growth.
  • Load balancing techniques can be employed to evenly distribute traffic across multiple cache nodes, ensuring efficient utilization of resources.

High-level design

In the high-level design of the web cache system, several components are required to solve the problem effectively from end to end. These components interact with each other to provide caching functionality, manage cache operations, and ensure seamless integration with the web server. Here are the key components:

  • User Interface (UI):
  • Provides a user interface for configuring cache settings, monitoring cache performance, and accessing cached content.
  • Web Server:
  • Hosts the original web content and handles user requests.
  • Interfaces with the cache system to retrieve cached content when available.
  • Cache Proxy:
  • Acts as a reverse proxy between the web server and the user.
  • Intercepts incoming requests and serves cached content if available, reducing response time and server load.
  • Cache Manager:
  • Manages cache operations such as storing, retrieving, updating, and evicting cached content.
  • Implements cache policies and ensures efficient utilization of cache resources.
  • Cache Storage:
  • Provides the underlying storage mechanism for storing cached data.
  • Can be implemented using in-memory cache, disk cache, or distributed cache solutions like Redis or Memcached.
  • Cache Invalidation Mechanism:
  • Handles the invalidation of cached content when the original data changes.
  • Monitors changes to the original data source and triggers cache invalidation accordingly.
  • Configuration Management:
  • Allows for dynamic configuration of cache settings such as cache size, eviction policies, and expiration times.
  • Ensures flexibility and adaptability of the cache system to changing requirements.
  • Monitoring and Logging:
  • Monitors cache performance, hit rates, and system health metrics.
  • Logs cache operations and events for troubleshooting and auditing purposes.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN) Integration:
  • Integrates with CDNs to distribute cached content closer to end users, reducing latency and improving content delivery speed.
  • Load Balancer:
  • Distributes incoming traffic across multiple cache nodes for load balancing and fault tolerance.
  • Ensures scalability and high availability of the cache system.
  • Security:
  • Implements security measures to protect cached content and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Includes authentication, authorization, and encryption mechanisms as necessary.

These components work together to enhance the performance, scalability, and reliability of the web cache system, providing efficient caching of frequently accessed web content and optimizing resource utilization.

graph TD
    subgraph Web Server
        WS[Web Server]

    subgraph Cache Proxy
        CP[Cache Proxy]

    subgraph User Interface
        UI[User Interface]

    subgraph Cache Manager
        CM[Cache Manager]

    subgraph Cache Storage
        CS[Cache Storage]

    subgraph Cache Invalidation Mechanism
        CIM[Cache Invalidation Mechanism]

    subgraph Configuration Management
        CMG[Configuration Management]

    subgraph Monitoring and Logging
        ML[Monitoring and Logging]

    subgraph Content Delivery Network
        CDN[Content Delivery Network]

    subgraph Load Balancer
        LB[Load Balancer]

    subgraph Security

    WS --> CP
    CP --> WS
    CP --> CS
    CP --> CM
    UI --> CMG
    CMG --> CM
    CM --> CS
    CM --> CIM
    CIM --> CS
    CIM --> CP
    CIM --> CDN
    CIM --> LB
    CIM --> SEC
    ML --> CM

Request flows

Explain how the request flows from end to end in your high level design. Also you could draw a sequence diagram using the diagramming tool to enhance your explanation...

Detailed component design

Dig deeper into 2-3 components and explain in detail how they work. For example, how well does each component scale? Any relevant algorithm or data structure you like to use for a component? Also you could draw a diagram using the diagramming tool to enhance your design...

Trade offs/Tech choices

Explain any trade offs you have made and why you made certain tech choices...

Failure scenarios/bottlenecks

Try to discuss as many failure scenarios/bottlenecks as possible.

Future improvements

What are some future improvements you would make? How would you mitigate the failure scenario(s) you described above?

得分: 8