
难度: medium



System requirements


  1. User Registration and Authentication:
  2. Users can create an account securely.
  3. Users can log in and log out.
  4. Password reset and account recovery mechanisms are supported.
  5. Posting Content:
  6. Users can submit text posts or links to various topics (subreddits).
  7. Support for formatting options like Markdown or Rich Text is provided.
  8. Voting System:
  9. Users can upvote or downvote content.
  10. Vote fuzzing is implemented to combat manipulation.
  11. Commenting and Discussion:
  12. Users can comment on posts and reply to other comments.
  13. Threaded discussions are supported to organize comments.
  14. Subreddit Management:
  15. Users can create new subreddits based on different topics.
  16. Moderators can manage content and users within their subreddit.
  17. User Profiles:
  18. Each user has a profile displaying their activity, posts, comments, and upvoted/downvoted content.
  19. Users can follow other users.
  20. Content Moderation:
  21. A system is in place to detect and remove spam, offensive content, and ensure content quality.
  22. Users can report inappropriate content.
  23. Recommendation Engine:
  24. Personalized content recommendations are provided based on user activity and preferences.
  25. Algorithms surface trending and popular content.
  26. Notifications:
  27. Users receive notifications for new comments, upvotes on their posts, and other relevant activities.
  28. Real-time notifications enhance user engagement.


  1. Scalability:
  2. The system should handle a large number of users, posts, and comments efficiently.
  3. Horizontal scaling should be supported to accommodate increasing load.
  4. Performance:
  5. Response times for user interactions such as posting, voting, and commenting should be minimal.
  6. The platform should be responsive even during peak usage times.
  7. Reliability:
  8. The system should be highly available and resilient to failures.
  9. Data integrity and consistency should be maintained at all times.
  10. Security:
  11. User data should be encrypted and protected against unauthorized access.
  12. Measures should be in place to prevent spam, hacking, and other security threats.
  13. Usability:
  14. The platform should have an intuitive user interface and be easy to navigate.
  15. Accessibility standards should be followed to ensure inclusivity.
  16. Maintainability:
  17. The codebase should be well-structured and documented to facilitate future updates and maintenance.
  18. Automated testing and deployment pipelines should be implemented to streamline development workflows.
  19. Compliance:
  20. The platform should comply with relevant data protection regulations such as GDPR.
  21. Content moderation policies should adhere to community guidelines and legal requirements.

Capacity estimation

Traffic Volume:

Let us assume the below numbers,

Total Users : 500 million

Daily Active Users (DAU): 50 million

Monthly Active Users (MAU): 330 million

Screen Views per Month: 21 billion

Visits in One Month: 1.6 billion

Total Subreddits: 2 million

Transaction Handling:

  1. Number of Transactions Per Second (TPS):
  2. Assuming a linear distribution of screen views and visits throughout the month, we can calculate the average TPS using the monthly values.
  3. Total Monthly TPS = Screen Views per Month + Visits in One Month
  4. Total Monthly TPS = 21 billion + 1.6 billion = 22.6 billion
  5. Average TPS = Total Monthly TPS / (30 days * 24 hours * 3600 seconds)
  6. Average TPS = 22.6 billion / (30 * 24 * 3600) ≈ 8,266 TPS
  7. Number of Write Requests Per Second for Posts:
  8. Given there are 2 million posts created in a day, we can calculate the number of new posts in a year.
  9. New Posts Per Year = 2 million * 365 days
  10. New Posts Per Year = 730 million
  11. Write Requests Per Second = New Posts Per Year / (365 days * 24 hours * 3600 seconds)
  12. Write Requests Per Second = 730 million / (365 * 24 * 3600) ≈ 23.14 TPS
  13. Number of Comment Requests Per Second:
  14. Assuming each post has an average of 25 comments, we can calculate the total comment requests per second.
  15. Total Comment Requests Per Second = New Posts Per Year * Average Comments Per Post / (365 days * 24 hours * 3600 seconds)
  16. Total Comment Requests Per Second = 730 million * 25 / (365 * 24 * 3600) ≈ 18.40 TPS

Storage Estimations (5 Years):

  1. User Data:
  2. Assuming user data includes basic profile information, authentication details, and activity logs.
  3. Let's estimate an average user data size of 1 MB.
  4. Total User Data Storage = Total Users * Average User Data Size
  5. Total User Data Storage = 500 million * 1 MB = 500 million MB
  6. Total User Data Storage = 500 TB
  7. Subreddit Metadata:
  8. Subreddit metadata includes information such as subreddit names, descriptions, and moderator lists.
  9. Assuming an average metadata size of 10 KB per subreddit.
  10. Total Subreddit Metadata Storage = Total Subreddits * Average Metadata Size
  11. Total Subreddit Metadata Storage = 2 million * 10 KB = 20 million KB
  12. Total Subreddit Metadata Storage = 20 GB
  13. Posts:
  14. Considering posts include text, links, and metadata, let's estimate an average post size of 100 KB.
  15. Assuming the number of new posts per year remains consistent.
  16. Total Post Storage Per Year = New Posts Per Year * Average Post Size
  17. Total Post Storage Per Year = 730 million * 100 KB = 73 PB
  18. Total Post Storage for 5 Years = Total Post Storage Per Year * 5
  19. Total Post Storage for 5 Years = 73 PB * 5 = 365 PB
  21. Similar to posts, let's estimate an average comment size of 10 KB.
  22. Total Comment Storage Per Year = New Posts Per Year * Average Comments Per Post * Average Comment Size
  23. Total Comment Storage Per Year = 730 million * 25 * 10 KB = 182.5 TB
  24. Total Comment Storage for 5 Years = Total Comment Storage Per Year * 5
  25. Total Comment Storage for 5 Years = 182.5 TB * 5 = 912.5 TB

These estimations provide a basis for understanding the storage requirements of the Reddit-like platform over a 5-year period, considering user data, subreddit metadata, posts, and comments.

API design

Below are the API which will be required in our design.

  1. User Management APIs:
  2. /register: Create a new user account.
  3. /login: Authenticate and log in a user.
  4. /logout: Log out the currently authenticated user.
  5. /user/profile: Retrieve user profile information.
  6. /user/update: Update user profile information.
  7. Post Management APIs:
  8. /post/create: Create a new post.
  9. /post/:postId: Retrieve details of a specific post.
  10. /post/:postId/update: Update an existing post.
  11. /post/:postId/delete: Delete a post.
  12. /post/:postId/upvote: Upvote a post.
  13. /post/:postId/downvote: Downvote a post.
  14. /post/:postId/comments: Retrieve comments for a post.
  15. /post/:postId/comments/create: Add a comment to a post.
  16. Subreddit Management APIs:
  17. /subreddit/create: Create a new subreddit.
  18. /subreddit/:subredditId: Retrieve details of a specific subreddit.
  19. /subreddit/:subredditId/update: Update subreddit details.
  20. /subreddit/:subredditId/delete: Delete a subreddit.
  21. /subreddit/:subredditId/posts: Retrieve posts within a subreddit.
  22. Comment Management APIs:
  23. /comment/:commentId: Retrieve details of a specific comment.
  24. /comment/:commentId/update: Update an existing comment.
  25. /comment/:commentId/delete: Delete a comment.
  26. /comment/:commentId/upvote: Upvote a comment.
  27. /comment/:commentId/downvote: Downvote a comment.
  28. Search and Discovery APIs:
  29. /search/posts: Search for posts by keyword or topic.
  30. /search/users: Search for users by username.
  31. /trending/posts: Retrieve trending posts based on upvote velocity.
  32. /recommended/posts: Get personalized content recommendations for a user.
  33. Moderation and Reporting APIs:
  34. /moderation/posts: Retrieve reported posts for moderation.
  35. /moderation/comments: Retrieve reported comments for moderation.
  36. /moderation/action: Take moderation actions on reported content.
  37. Notification APIs:
  38. /notifications: Retrieve notifications for the current user.
  39. /notifications/mark-read: Mark notifications as read.
  40. Miscellaneous APIs:
  41. /health: Check the health status of the system.
  42. /metrics: Retrieve system metrics for monitoring and analytics.

By defining these APIs, we provide a clear interface for interacting with different aspects of the Reddit-like platform, enabling developers to build various client applications and integrate with third-party services efficiently.

Database design

Below is the class diagram that shows different classes and some of the properties.

Database Choices:

  • User Data:
  • Entities: User
  • Database Type: SQL (e.g., PostgreSQL)
  • Reasoning: User data typically requires ACID compliance and structured querying capabilities. SQL databases provide strong consistency and transactional support, making them suitable for managing user authentication, profiles, and activity logs.
  • CAP Theorem Focus: Consistency and Partition Tolerance (CP)
  • Post and Comment Data:
  • Entities: Post, Comment
  • Database Type: NoSQL (e.g., MongoDB)
  • Reasoning: Post and comment data can be semi-structured, and NoSQL databases offer flexibility in schema design and scalability for handling high-volume, read-heavy workloads typical of social media platforms. Additionally, MongoDB's document-oriented structure suits nested comments and post metadata well.
  • CAP Theorem Focus: Availability and Partition Tolerance (AP)
  • Subreddit Data:
  • Entities: Subreddit
  • Database Type: SQL (e.g., MySQL)
  • Reasoning: While subreddit data could also be stored in a NoSQL database, SQL databases provide relational modeling capabilities that can facilitate complex queries and relationships between subreddits and their moderators. This is particularly useful for managing subreddit hierarchies and permissions.
  • CAP Theorem Focus: Consistency and Partition Tolerance (CP)

Partitioning Strategy:

  • Partitioning Data Efficiently:
  • For relational databases (e.g., PostgreSQL for user data), partitioning can be based on user IDs or timestamps to distribute data across multiple shards or partitions. This allows for horizontal scaling and improved query performance.
  • For NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB for posts and comments), data can be partitioned based on post IDs or subreddit IDs. This ensures that related data is stored together, reducing the need for joins and improving read/write throughput.
  • Key Columns for Partitioning:
  • For User data: Partitioning based on user IDs or email domains can evenly distribute users across partitions.
  • For Post and Comment data: Partitioning based on post IDs ensures that all comments associated with a post are stored together, enhancing query efficiency.
  • For Subreddit data: Partitioning based on subreddit IDs allows for efficient retrieval of posts within a subreddit.

Geographical Partitioning:

  • Geographical partitioning may not be necessary for the core functionality of the system, as Reddit-like platforms typically serve users globally without significant geographical restrictions.
  • However, if there are regulatory or compliance requirements that mandate data localization, geographical partitioning may be implemented at the infrastructure level using distributed data centers.

Scaling Strategy:

  • Horizontal Scaling:
  • Horizontal scaling is the preferred strategy for scaling the system to accommodate increased user activity and data volume.
  • Each component of the system (user data, posts, comments, subreddits) can be horizontally scaled by adding more instances or partitions to distribute the load.
  • Load balancers can distribute incoming requests across multiple instances or partitions, ensuring even workload distribution and improved system performance.
  • Scaling Storage:
  • Storage solutions such as cloud-based object storage (e.g., Amazon S3) can be used to store large media files associated with posts (e.g., images, videos) to offload storage requirements from the database.
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) can be utilized to cache and serve static content (e.g., post thumbnails, CSS, JavaScript) to users globally, reducing latency and bandwidth usage.

By implementing these partitioning and scaling strategies, the system can efficiently handle increasing user activity and data volume while maintaining performance and reliability.

High-level design

  1. Client Applications (Web and Mobile):
  2. Responsible for providing user interfaces for interacting with the platform, allowing users to browse content, submit posts, comment, and interact with other users.
  3. Frontend Services:
  4. Authentication Service: Handles user authentication and authorization, ensuring secure access to the platform.
  5. Notification Service: Sends real-time notifications to users for activities such as new comments on their posts or replies to their comments.
  6. Backend Services:
  7. API Gateway: Acts as a single entry point for client applications to access backend services, managing requests and routing them to the appropriate service.
  8. User Service: Manages user accounts, profiles, authentication, and user-related operations.
  9. Post Service: Handles creation, retrieval, update, and deletion of posts, along with operations such as upvoting and downvoting.
  10. Comment Service: Manages comments associated with posts, including creation, retrieval, and moderation.
  11. Subreddit Service: Manages subreddits, including creation, retrieval, and moderation of subreddit-related content.
  12. Search Service: Enables users to search for posts, comments, and users based on keywords or criteria.
  13. Recommendation Service: Provides personalized content recommendations to users based on their activity and preferences.
  14. Moderation Service: Handles content moderation, including detecting and removing spam, offensive content, and enforcing community guidelines.
  15. Notification Service: Sends notifications to users for various activities, enhancing user engagement and interaction.
  16. Analytics Service: Collects and analyzes data on user interactions, content popularity, and platform usage to provide insights for optimization and decision-making.
  17. Infrastructure Components:
  18. Load Balancer: Distributes incoming traffic across multiple instances or servers to ensure optimal performance and availability.
  19. Caching Layer: Stores frequently accessed data to reduce database load and improve response times.
  20. CDN (Content Delivery Network): Delivers static content to users from edge servers located closer to their geographical locations, reducing latency and bandwidth usage.
  21. Database Clusters: Store and manage structured and unstructured data efficiently, providing scalability, reliability, and data integrity.
  22. Object Storage: Stores large media files associated with posts, such as images and videos, offloading storage requirements from the database.
  23. Messaging Queue: Facilitates asynchronous communication between different components of the system, ensuring reliable message delivery and decoupling services.
  24. Monitoring and Logging Tools: Monitor system health, performance, and security, providing insights for troubleshooting, optimization, and compliance.
  25. Security and Firewall Components: Protect the system from unauthorized access, malicious attacks, and data breaches, ensuring data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
graph TD;
    subgraph Client_Applications
        WebApp(Web Application)
        MobileApp(Mobile Application)
    subgraph Frontend_Services
        LB1(Load Balancer)
        Auth(Authentication Service)
        Notif(Notification Service)

        LB1 --> Auth
        LB1 --> Notif
    subgraph Backend_Services
        API(API Gateway)
        User(User Service)
        Post(Post Service)
        Comment(Comment Service)
        Subreddit(Subreddit Service)
        Search(Search Service)
        Recommend(Recommendation Service)
        Moderate(Moderation Service)
        Notify(Notification Service)
        Analytics(Analytics Service)

        API --> User
        API --> Post
        API --> Comment
        API --> Subreddit
        API --> Search
        API --> Recommend
        API --> Recommendation

    subgraph Infrastructure_Components
        LB(Load Balancer)
        Cache(Caching Layer)
        CDN(Content Delivery Network)
        DB(Database Clusters)
        ObjStore(Object Storage)

    Client_Applications --> |Routes Requests| API
    API --> Frontend_Services
    Backend_Services --> LB
    Client_Applications --> CDN
    DB --> ObjStore
    Monitor --> Backend_Services
    Security --> Backend_Services

Request flows

  1. User Creates a New Post:
  2. The client application (web or mobile) sends a request to the API Gateway to create a new post.
  3. The API Gateway routes the request to the Post Service.
  4. The Post Service validates the request, creates a new post object, and saves it to the database.
  5. The Post Service triggers notifications to subscribers of the subreddit where the post was created.
  6. Moderator Reviews and Approves the Post:
  7. The moderator accesses the moderation dashboard in the client application.
  8. The client application sends a request to retrieve pending posts to the API Gateway.
  9. The API Gateway routes the request to the Moderation Service.
  10. The Moderation Service retrieves pending posts from the database and presents them to the moderator.
  11. The moderator reviews the post and decides to approve it.
  12. The client application sends a request to approve the post to the API Gateway.
  13. The API Gateway routes the request to the Moderation Service.
  14. The Moderation Service updates the status of the post in the database to "approved".

Detailed component design

User Management Component:

  1. User Roles and Permissions:
  2. Regular Users: Have basic privileges such as creating posts, commenting, and voting.
  3. Moderators: Have additional privileges within specific subreddits, including content moderation, user management, and subreddit customization.
  4. Administrators: Have full control over the platform, including user management, system configuration, and policy enforcement.

Content Submission Component:

  1. Creating and Submitting Posts:
  2. Users can create new posts by providing a title, content (text or link), and selecting a subreddit to post in.
  3. The system validates the post content, ensuring it meets formatting requirements and adheres to community guidelines.
  4. Content Formatting and Validation:
  5. Users can format their post content using Markdown or Rich Text formatting options.
  6. Content validation checks for prohibited content, spam, and adherence to subreddit rules before allowing submission.

Voting and Ranking Component:

  1. Voting System:
  2. Users can upvote or downvote posts and comments to express their opinion on the quality and relevance of content.
  3. Vote fuzzing techniques may be employed to mitigate manipulation and gaming of the voting system.
  4. Score Calculation:
  5. The score of a post is calculated based on the number of upvotes and downvotes received, adjusted for the age of the post.
  6. Comments may also have scores calculated similarly to determine their visibility within a thread.

Commenting and Discussion Component:

  1. Commenting on Posts:
  2. Users can comment on posts to engage in discussions and provide feedback.
  3. Comments can be formatted using Markdown or Rich Text options for added clarity and expressiveness.
  4. Threaded Discussions:
  5. Comments are organized in threaded discussions, allowing users to reply to specific comments and maintain context within the conversation.
  6. Threaded discussions are displayed hierarchically, with nested replies indented to visually indicate their relationship to parent comments.

Subreddit Management Component:

  1. Creating and Joining Subreddits:
  2. Users can create new subreddits based on different topics of interest.
  3. Users can join existing subreddits and subscribe to receive updates on new posts and discussions.
  4. Moderation Tools for Subreddit Moderators:
  5. Subreddit moderators have tools for managing content within their subreddit, including removing spam, approving posts, and banning users.
  6. Moderators can customize subreddit settings, such as rules, post requirements, and appearance.

Recommendation Engine Component:

  1. Personalized Content Recommendations:
  2. The recommendation engine analyzes user activity, preferences, and past interactions to suggest relevant content.
  3. Algorithms may include collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, and machine learning models to predict user preferences.
  4. Surfacing Trending and Popular Content:
  5. Trending and popular content is surfaced based on factors such as upvote velocity, comment activity, and overall engagement.
  6. The recommendation engine identifies trending topics and surfaces them to users through personalized feeds and discovery algorithms.


Caching mechanisms play a crucial role in improving system performance by storing frequently accessed data in memory or fast-access storage, reducing the need to fetch it from the primary data source (such as databases) every time. Here's how caching mechanisms can be utilized to enhance the performance of a Reddit-like platform:

Caching for Trending Posts:

  • Cache Trending Post IDs:
  • Store IDs of trending posts in a caching layer such as Redis or Memcached.
  • When users request trending posts, retrieve the post IDs from the cache and fetch detailed post data from the database if necessary.
  • Cache Post Metadata:
  • Cache metadata of trending posts, including titles, scores, and timestamps.
  • Display this metadata directly from the cache, reducing database queries and improving response times for users browsing trending content.
  • Cache Post Content:
  • Cache the content of trending posts, especially if they contain static elements like images or videos.
  • Serve the post content directly from the cache to reduce latency and bandwidth usage on the database servers.

Caching for User Profiles:

  • Cache User Profiles:
  • Store user profiles in the cache to avoid frequent database lookups for user information.
  • Cache user profiles with a time-to-live (TTL) based on user activity or login sessions to ensure data freshness.
  • Cache User Preferences:
  • Cache user preferences, such as subscribed subreddits, favorite topics, and notification settings.
  • Update the cache when users modify their preferences to reflect changes instantly across the platform.

For a Reddit-like platform, where the system deals with a high volume of user-generated content and user interactions, a combination of caching algorithms and strategies would work best to optimize performance and ensure data consistency. Here are some caching strategies and algorithms that would be suitable for this design:

  1. Least Recently Used (LRU) Algorithm:
  2. LRU is a popular caching algorithm that removes the least recently used items from the cache when it reaches its capacity.
  3. Suitable for caching trending posts, user profiles, and frequently accessed content, as it ensures that the most recently accessed data is retained in the cache.
  4. Time-to-Live (TTL) Expiry:
  5. Set a TTL for cached items to ensure data freshness and prevent stale data from being served to users.
  6. Useful for caching user sessions, user preferences, and temporary data that may become outdated over time.
  7. Write-Through Caching:
  8. Write data directly to the cache in addition to updating the primary data store, ensuring that cached data is always up-to-date.
  9. Suitable for caching user profiles, preferences, and frequently accessed content that requires real-time updates.
  10. Cache Invalidation:
  11. Implement mechanisms to invalidate cached data when it is modified or deleted in the primary data store.
  12. Use cache invalidation for user actions such as creating, updating, or deleting posts, comments, and user profiles.
  13. Cache Preloading:
  14. Preload frequently accessed or critical data into the cache during system startup or maintenance windows to prime the cache.
  15. Ensure that essential data such as user profiles, popular posts, and trending topics are readily available in the cache to minimize cache misses.

How to handle abusive user behavior and Spamming?

Handling abusive user behavior such as spamming or vote manipulation is crucial for maintaining content quality and ensuring a positive user experience on a platform like Reddit. Here are some strategies and approaches that could be explored to address this issue effectively:

1. Automated Spam Detection:

  • Implement automated spam detection algorithms to identify and flag suspicious user activities, such as posting repetitive or low-quality content, excessive link sharing, or rapid voting patterns.
  • Utilize machine learning models and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze the content of posts and comments for spam indicators, including spammy keywords, URLs, or formatting patterns.

2. Rate Limiting and Throttling:

  • Enforce rate limiting and throttling mechanisms to restrict the frequency and volume of user actions, such as posting, commenting, or voting, within a specific time period.
  • Set thresholds and limits based on normal user behavior to prevent abusive users from overwhelming the platform with excessive activity.

3. Community Reporting and Moderation:

  • Empower the community by providing reporting tools and mechanisms for flagging inappropriate content, spam, or abusive behavior.
  • Enable community moderators to review reported content, take appropriate actions (such as removing posts or banning users), and escalate severe cases to platform administrators.

4. Reputation-Based Systems:

  • Implement reputation-based systems to incentivize positive user behavior and discourage abusive actions.
  • Assign reputation scores to users based on their contributions, engagement, and adherence to community guidelines.
  • Use reputation scores to prioritize content visibility, grant privileges (such as moderation rights), or impose restrictions on users with low reputation.

5. Community Guidelines and Policies:

  • Clearly define and communicate community guidelines, terms of service, and acceptable use policies to educate users about expected behavior and consequences for violations.
  • Enforce strict penalties, including temporary suspensions or permanent bans, for users who engage in spamming, vote manipulation, or other abusive behaviors.

Load Balancers and CDN

In a Reddit-like platform, load balancers and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) play crucial roles in distributing incoming traffic efficiently and improving system performance, especially during sudden spikes in user activity or when content goes viral. Here's how these components mitigate the impact of such events on system performance and scalability:

Load Balancer:

  1. Traffic Distribution:
  2. Load balancers distribute incoming requests across multiple backend servers, ensuring that no single server becomes overwhelmed with traffic.
  3. During sudden spikes in user activity or viral content, load balancers dynamically adjust the distribution of traffic to maintain optimal performance and prevent server overload.
  4. Scalability:
  5. Load balancers support horizontal scalability by enabling the addition of new server instances to handle increased demand.
  6. When traffic spikes occur, additional server instances can be provisioned automatically or manually to scale the system horizontally and accommodate the surge in user activity.
  7. Fault Tolerance:
  8. Load balancers monitor the health and availability of backend servers, automatically routing traffic away from servers that are experiencing issues or failures.
  9. This ensures high availability and fault tolerance, even during sudden spikes in user activity, by preventing single points of failure and maintaining uninterrupted service.

Content Delivery Network (CDN):

  1. Caching and Content Distribution:
  2. CDNs cache static content such as images, videos, and CSS files on edge servers located closer to users' geographical locations.
  3. During sudden spikes in user activity, cached content is served directly from edge servers, reducing latency and bandwidth usage on backend servers.
  4. Global Scalability:
  5. CDNs have a global network of edge servers distributed across multiple regions and continents.
  6. This enables rapid content delivery to users worldwide, regardless of their location, and ensures scalability and performance during traffic surges across different regions.
  7. Offloading Origin Servers:
  8. By caching and serving static content at the edge, CDNs offload the origin servers from handling repetitive requests for the same content.
  9. This reduces the load on origin servers during sudden spikes in user activity, allowing them to focus on processing dynamic requests and serving personalized content.

Trade offs/Tech choices

Explain any trade offs you have made and why you made certain tech choices...

Failure scenarios/bottlenecks

Try to discuss as many failure scenarios/bottlenecks as possible.

Future improvements

What are some future improvements you would make? How would you mitigate the failure scenario(s) you described above?

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