
难度: advanced



System requirements

High-performance computing (HPC), also called "big compute", uses a large number of CPU or GPU-based computers to solve complex mathematical tasks.

Many industries use HPC to solve some of their most difficult problems. These include workloads such as:

  • Genomics
  • Oil and gas simulations
  • Finance
  • Semiconductor design
  • Engineering
  • Weather modeling

One of the main advantages of configuring HPC clusters on cloud is the ability for resources to dynamically be added and removed as they're needed. Dynamic scaling removes compute capacity as a bottleneck and instead allow customers to right size their infrastructure for the requirements of their jobs.

For this problem we will consider a scenario that demonstrates delivery of a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform built on the high-performance computing (HPC) capabilities. This scenario is based on an engineering software solution. However, the architecture is relevant to other industries requiring HPC resources such as image rendering, complex modeling, and financial risk calculation.


  1. Job Scheduling:
  2. The system should efficiently schedule and manage a large number of computing tasks across multiple nodes in the cluster.
  3. Tasks should be allocated to available resources based on priority and resource availability.
  4. Resource Management:
  5. The system should effectively allocate resources such as CPU cores, memory, and GPUs to different tasks to optimize performance.
  6. Resources should be dynamically allocated and deallocated based on workload demands.
  7. Scalability:
  8. The cluster must be able to scale horizontally by adding more nodes to handle increasing workloads.
  9. Scaling should be seamless and transparent to users, with minimal disruption to ongoing tasks.
  10. Fault Tolerance:
  11. The system should be resilient to hardware failures by implementing redundancy and failover mechanisms.
  12. Failed nodes or components should be automatically detected and replaced without interrupting ongoing computations.
  13. Parallel Processing:
  14. Utilize parallel processing techniques to improve computing speed and efficiency for large-scale computations.
  15. Support parallel execution of tasks across multiple nodes and cores.
  16. Networking:
  17. Implement high-speed and low-latency networking to facilitate communication between nodes.
  18. Ensure reliable and efficient data transfer between nodes to minimize overhead and latency.
  19. Power Efficiency:
  20. Optimize power consumption to reduce operational costs and environmental impact.
  21. Implement power management mechanisms to dynamically adjust power usage based on workload demands.
  22. Cooling System:
  23. Ensure proper cooling systems are in place to prevent overheating of hardware components.
  24. Cooling systems should be capable of handling the heat generated by high-performance computing operations.
  25. Reliability:
  26. Ensure high availability and reliability of the system to minimize downtime and disruptions in processing tasks.
  27. Implement mechanisms for proactive monitoring and maintenance to prevent system failures.


  1. Performance:
  2. The system should deliver high performance with low latency, ensuring efficient execution of computational tasks.
  3. Benchmarking and performance testing should be conducted regularly to identify bottlenecks and areas for optimization.
  4. Security:
  5. Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive data and prevent unauthorized access to the cluster resources.
  6. Encrypt data transmission and storage to protect against data breaches and cyber attacks.
  7. Scalability:
  8. Ensure the system can handle increasing workloads by easily adding more nodes or resources without compromising performance.
  9. Implement load balancing mechanisms to evenly distribute tasks across nodes and prevent resource contention.
  10. Availability:
  11. Maintain high availability to ensure that the computing cluster is ready to process tasks whenever needed.
  12. Implement redundancy and failover mechanisms to minimize downtime in case of hardware failures or system crashes.
  13. Usability:
  14. Provide user-friendly interfaces for system administrators to manage and monitor the cluster effectively.
  15. Offer documentation and training resources to help users understand the system functionalities and best practices.
  16. Maintainability:
  17. Design the system with modularity and easy maintenance in mind to facilitate upgrades and troubleshooting.
  18. Implement automated monitoring and alerting systems to detect and resolve issues promptly.
  19. Compliance:
  20. Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards governing data processing and storage.
  21. Implement data governance policies to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and availability.
  22. Interoperability:
  23. Ensure compatibility with a wide range of software tools and frameworks commonly used in scientific and research domains.
  24. Standardize communication protocols and data formats to facilitate interoperability with external systems.
  25. Cost Efficiency:
  26. Optimize resource utilization to minimize operational costs while maximizing performance.
  27. Conduct cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the impact of hardware and software choices on overall system efficiency and budget.
  28. Documentation:
  29. Provide comprehensive documentation covering system configurations, deployment procedures, maintenance workflows, and troubleshooting guides.
  30. Regularly update documentation to reflect changes in the system architecture and configurations.

Capacity estimation

For capacity estimation in setting up and configuring an HPC cluster, we would follow a structured approach:

  1. Workload Analysis: We will start by analyzing historical workload data to understand usage patterns, peak times, and resource requirements. This involves examining metrics like CPU utilization, memory usage, and job duration to identify trends and patterns.
  2. Performance Modeling: Next, we would conduct performance benchmarks on representative workloads to assess resource requirements and performance characteristics. This helps in understanding the computational needs and scalability requirements of the cluster.
  3. Resource Sizing: Based on the workload analysis and performance modeling, we would determine the number and type of compute nodes, storage capacity, and networking resources needed to support the anticipated workload. This involves estimating CPU cores, memory capacity, storage space, and network bandwidth required.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility: We would ensure that the cluster architecture is designed to scale horizontally and vertically to accommodate future workload growth. This includes planning for additional compute nodes, storage expansion, and network upgrades as needed.
  5. Contingency Planning: Finally, we would allocate buffer capacity and implement failover mechanisms to handle unexpected spikes in demand or hardware failures. This ensures resilience and continuity of operations in case of unforeseen events.

API design

Define what APIs are expected from the system...

Database design

Defining the system data model early on will clarify how data will flow among different components of the system. Also you could draw an ER diagram using the diagramming tool to enhance your design...

High-level design

  1. Compute Nodes:
  2. These are the primary computing units responsible for executing computational tasks.
  3. Each compute node is equipped with CPUs, GPUs, memory, and storage resources.
  4. Compute nodes should be scalable and configurable to meet varying workload demands.
  5. Networking Infrastructure:
  6. High-speed and low-latency networking is essential for efficient communication between compute nodes.
  7. Components may include switches, routers, and network adapters supporting technologies like InfiniBand or Ethernet with RDMA.
  8. Job Scheduler:
  9. Manages the scheduling and allocation of computing tasks across the cluster.
  10. Responsible for optimizing resource utilization and prioritizing jobs based on predefined criteria.
  11. Common job scheduler software includes Slurm, PBS Pro, and HTCondor.
  12. Resource Manager:
  13. Coordinates resource allocation and usage tracking across the cluster.
  14. Monitors resource availability and ensures that jobs are executed efficiently.
  15. Works closely with the job scheduler to enforce resource policies.
  16. Storage System:
  17. Provides storage for input data, intermediate results, and output data generated by computational tasks.
  18. May include distributed file systems like Lustre or BeeGFS for high-throughput data access.
  19. Storage should be scalable and fault-tolerant to handle large volumes of data.
  20. Monitoring and Management Tools:
  21. Tools for real-time monitoring of system performance, resource utilization, and job status.
  22. Enables administrators to identify bottlenecks, diagnose issues, and optimize cluster performance.
  23. Examples include Ganglia, Prometheus, and Nagios.
  24. Power and Cooling Infrastructure:
  25. Ensures reliable power supply and efficient cooling to maintain optimal operating conditions for hardware components.
  26. Includes uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), power distribution units (PDU), and cooling systems like air conditioning or liquid cooling.
  27. Security Infrastructure:
  28. Implements security measures to protect cluster resources from unauthorized access and malicious activities.
  29. Components may include firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), encryption mechanisms, and access control policies.
graph TD;

    subgraph Kubernates

    subgraph Firewall



    HTTP_RDP_Proxy --> Virtual_Machines
    Users -->|RDP from custom browser control| HTTP_RDP_Proxy
    Users -->|HTTPS| Application_Gateway
    Admins -->|SSH| Jump_Box_Server
    Jump_Box_Server --> Firewall
    Application_Gateway --> Kubernates
    Kubernates --> Firewall
    Firewall --> Job_Queue
    Job_Queue --> File_Storage
    Job_Queue --> Job_Scheduler
    Job_Scheduler --> Virtual_Machines
    Job_Scheduler --> GPU_Virtual_Machines

Request flows

  • Users can access NV-series virtual machines (VMs) via a browser with an HTML5-based RDP connection.
  • These VM instances provide powerful GPUs for rendering and collaborative tasks. Users can edit their designs and view their results without needing access to high-end mobile computing devices or laptops.
  • The scheduler spins up additional VMs based on user-defined heuristics.
  • From a AKS POD, the User Interface is setup, where in each session, users can submit workloads for execution on available HPC cluster nodes.
  • These workloads perform tasks such as stress analysis or computational fluid dynamics calculations, eliminating the need for dedicated on-premises compute clusters.
  • These cluster nodes can be configured to autoscale based on load or queue depth based on active user demand for compute resources.
  • Kubernetes Service is used to host the web resources available to end users.

Detailed component design

For the Detailed component design, we will discuss the following topics

  1. Hardware Specifications for compute nodes, networking, storage. This is applicable to both cloud and on-premises setup of HPC.
  2. Parallel Processing Techniques: These are different implementation techniques that can be used for queuing and processing jobs. We will also discuss tools for parallel processing briefly.
  3. RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) configurations which are commonly used to enhance fault tolerance and data reliability.
  4. Distributed data redundancy strategies involve replicating data across multiple nodes or storage systems within the HPC cluster.
  5. Automated failover mechanisms which are essential for ensuring seamless operation and minimizing downtime.
  6. Lastly, we will discuss a few concepts for Power Management and Cooling Techniques which are mostly applicable for on-premises setup of HPC.

Hardware Specifications:

  1. Compute Nodes:
  2. CPUs: Dual-socket configurations with high-core count CPUs for parallel processing.
  3. Recommended:
  4. Intel Xeon Scalable processors (e.g., Xeon Gold or Platinum series) or AMD EPYC processors.
  5. Specifications:2 x Intel Xeon Gold 6254 (18 cores, 3.1 GHz base frequency, 3.7 GHz max turbo frequency).
  6. 384 GB DDR4 ECC RAM (12 x 32 GB DIMMs, expandable).
  7. GPUs: NVIDIA Tesla GPUs for GPU-accelerated computing tasks.
  8. Recommended:
  9. NVIDIA Tesla V100 or A100 GPUs.
  10. Specifications:4 x NVIDIA Tesla V100 32GB GPU accelerators (Volta architecture).
  11. 16 GB HBM2 memory per GPU, 640 Tensor Cores, 5,120 CUDA cores.
  12. Storage: NVMe SSDs for fast storage access and data processing.
  13. Recommended: Intel Optane SSDs or Samsung 970 PRO NVMe SSDs.
  14. Specifications:2 x 1 TB NVMe SSDs in RAID 1 configuration for high-speed storage.
  15. Networking: High-speed interconnects for efficient communication between nodes.
  16. Recommended: InfiniBand HDR (200 Gbps) or Ethernet with RDMA (RoCE).
  17. Specifications: Mellanox HDR InfiniBand or Ethernet adapters with RDMA support.
  18. Switches with 40/100 Gbps ports for low-latency communication.
  19. Storage System:
  20. Parallel File System: Distributed file system optimized for high-throughput data access.
  21. Recommended: Lustre or BeeGFS.
  22. Specifications: High-performance storage servers with SSD caching and tiering.
  23. Scalable storage capacity (e.g., multiple petabytes) for storing large datasets.
  24. Backup and Replication: Implement backup and replication mechanisms for data redundancy and disaster recovery.
  25. Recommended: Data replication across geographically distributed locations.
  26. Specifications: Automated backup processes with periodic snapshots and incremental backups.
  27. Replication to secondary storage clusters for data redundancy and disaster recovery.
  28. Networking Infrastructure:
  29. Interconnect: High-speed and low-latency networking components for efficient communication between nodes.
  30. Recommended: InfiniBand HDR (200 Gbps) or Ethernet with RDMA (RoCE).
  31. Specifications: Mellanox HDR InfiniBand switches with low-latency, high-bandwidth ports.
  32. Ethernet switches with RDMA support for fast data transfers.
  33. Network Security: Implement network security measures to protect cluster communication.
  34. Recommended: Firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), and encryption.
  35. Specifications: Firewalls with deep packet inspection and access control lists (ACLs).
  • Intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS) to detect and mitigate network threats.

These hardware specifications are tailored to support high-performance computing tasks effectively, leveraging parallel processing techniques and optimized hardware configurations to achieve optimal performance, scalability, and reliability in the HPC cluster environment.

Parallel Processing Techniques:

  • Task Parallelism:
  • Divide computational tasks into smaller subtasks that can be executed concurrently on multiple processing units.
  • Each task operates independently, allowing for efficient utilization of available resources.
  • Examples include parallelizing matrix multiplication, image processing, and simulations.
  • Data Parallelism:
  • Distribute data across multiple processing units and perform the same operation on different subsets of the data simultaneously.
  • Particularly effective for parallelizing computations on large datasets, such as deep learning training or Monte Carlo simulations.
  • Frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Apache Spark support data parallelism for distributed computing tasks.
  • Pipeline Parallelism:
  • Break down computational tasks into a series of sequential stages, with each stage executed in parallel by different processing units.
  • Enables overlapping of computation and communication, reducing overall latency and improving throughput.
  • Commonly used in signal processing, image rendering, and video encoding applications.
  • Hybrid Parallelism:
  • Combines multiple parallel processing techniques to exploit both task-level and data-level parallelism in complex computational workflows.
  • Allows for fine-grained optimization and scalability across different types of computational tasks.
  • Often utilized in scientific simulations, weather forecasting, and molecular dynamics simulations.

Tools for Parallel Processing:

  • Message Passing Interface (MPI):
  • A widely-used standard for programming distributed-memory parallel applications.
  • Enables communication and synchronization between processes running on different nodes in the cluster.
  • Libraries like OpenMPI and MPICH provide implementations of MPI for building scalable parallel applications.
  • OpenMP:
  • A programming model for shared-memory parallelism, primarily used for task and loop-level parallelism.
  • Allows developers to add parallelism directives to existing code to distribute workloads across multiple CPU cores.
  • Well-suited for parallelizing computationally intensive tasks within individual nodes of the cluster.
  • CUDA and cuDNN:
  • NVIDIA's CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a parallel computing platform and programming model for GPU-accelerated computing.
  • cuDNN (CUDA Deep Neural Network) is a GPU-accelerated library for deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.
  • Enables developers to harness the computational power of GPUs for accelerating complex computations, including deep learning training and inference.
  • Apache Spark:
  • A distributed data processing framework that supports both batch and real-time processing of large datasets.
  • Provides built-in support for data parallelism and fault tolerance, making it suitable for big data analytics and machine learning applications.
  • Enables parallel execution of tasks across multiple nodes in the HPC cluster, improving scalability and performance.
  • Parallel File Systems:
  • Distributed file systems optimized for high-throughput parallel access to storage resources.
  • Examples include Lustre, BeeGFS, and IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS), which provide efficient data access for parallel I/O operations in HPC environments.

By leveraging these parallel processing techniques and tools, the HPC cluster can efficiently distribute computational workloads, maximize resource utilization, and achieve optimal performance and efficiency across a wide range of scientific, engineering, and research applications.

RAID Configurations:

RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) configurations are commonly used to enhance fault tolerance and data reliability by distributing data across multiple disks. Here are some RAID levels commonly employed in HPC clusters:

  • RAID 1 (Mirroring):
  • Data is duplicated across multiple disks, providing redundancy.
  • If one disk fails, data can be retrieved from the mirrored disk without interruption.
  • Suitable for critical data where data redundancy and fault tolerance are paramount.
  • RAID 5 and RAID 6 (Striping with Distributed Parity):
  • Data is striped across multiple disks, with parity information distributed across all disks.
  • RAID 5 requires a minimum of three disks, while RAID 6 requires a minimum of four disks.
  • Provides fault tolerance against the failure of a single disk (RAID 5) or two disks (RAID 6) while maintaining high storage efficiency.
  • Parity information allows data reconstruction in case of disk failure.
  • RAID 10 (Mirrored-Striping):
  • Combines mirroring (RAID 1) and striping (RAID 0) techniques.
  • Data is mirrored across pairs of disks, and then the mirrored pairs are striped.
  • Offers both redundancy and performance benefits, suitable for environments requiring high fault tolerance and performance.

Distributed Data Redundancy:

Distributed data redundancy strategies involve replicating data across multiple nodes or storage systems within the HPC cluster. This redundancy ensures data availability and integrity, even if individual components fail. Some common approaches include:

  • Replication Across Nodes:
  • Data is replicated across multiple compute nodes or storage servers within the cluster.
  • If a node or server fails, data can still be accessed from replicas stored on other nodes, ensuring continuous operation.
  • Erasure Coding:
  • Data is encoded into redundant fragments and distributed across multiple storage nodes.
  • Even if some storage nodes fail, the original data can be reconstructed from the remaining fragments using error correction techniques.
  • Offers higher storage efficiency compared to full replication while maintaining fault tolerance.

Automated Failover Mechanisms:

Automated failover mechanisms are essential for ensuring seamless operation and minimizing downtime during hardware failures. These mechanisms automatically detect failures and redirect traffic or workload to healthy components. Some common automated failover techniques include:

  • Heartbeat Monitoring:
  • Continuously monitors the health and status of hardware components, such as compute nodes, storage devices, and network switches.
  • If a component fails or becomes unresponsive, the monitoring system triggers failover procedures to redirect traffic or workload to redundant components.
  • Load Balancing and Traffic Redirection:
  • Distributes incoming requests or workload across multiple redundant components using load balancing algorithms.
  • If one component fails, load balancers automatically reroute traffic to healthy components to maintain uninterrupted service.
  • Stateful Failover:
  • Ensures that in-progress tasks or transactions are not lost during failover.
  • State information is replicated or synchronized between redundant components to ensure seamless transition without data loss or corruption.

Intelligent power management techniques play a crucial role in minimizing operational costs and reducing energy consumption in high-performance computing (HPC) clusters. Let's explore some of these techniques in detail:

Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS):

Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) is a power management technique that adjusts the operating voltage and frequency of CPUs and GPUs based on workload demands. By dynamically scaling the voltage and frequency, DVFS can optimize energy efficiency while maintaining performance. Key aspects of DVFS include:

  • Dynamic Adjustment: DVFS dynamically adjusts the voltage and frequency of CPUs and GPUs based on workload characteristics such as CPU utilization, memory access patterns, and application demands.
  • Power-Performance Tradeoff: DVFS enables a tradeoff between power consumption and performance. During periods of low workload, voltage and frequency can be reduced to conserve energy, while they can be increased during periods of high workload to maintain performance levels.
  • Implementation: DVFS is typically implemented through hardware features in modern processors and GPUs, along with operating system-level policies and drivers that control voltage and frequency scaling based on workload conditions.

Workload-Aware Power Allocation:

Workload-aware power allocation strategies aim to dynamically allocate power and resources to different components of the HPC cluster based on workload characteristics and priorities. These strategies consider factors such as workload intensity, criticality, and resource availability to optimize power consumption. Key aspects include:

  • Dynamic Resource Allocation: Power allocation is dynamically adjusted based on workload characteristics and priorities. For example, power can be allocated more aggressively to compute-intensive tasks while conserving power for less critical tasks.
  • Intelligent Scheduling: Workload-aware scheduling algorithms consider both performance and power consumption metrics when allocating resources to computational tasks. Tasks may be scheduled to maximize energy efficiency while meeting performance requirements.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Monitoring and feedback mechanisms continuously assess the performance and power consumption of running tasks and adjust power allocation policies accordingly. This enables adaptive power management in response to changing workload conditions.

Energy-Efficient Cooling Solutions:

Energy-efficient cooling solutions are essential for maintaining optimal operating conditions in HPC clusters while minimizing energy consumption and operational costs. These solutions focus on improving cooling efficiency and reducing power consumption of cooling infrastructure. Key aspects include:

  • Liquid Cooling Systems: Liquid cooling systems use water or other coolants to remove heat from hardware components more efficiently than traditional air cooling systems. Liquid cooling solutions can be implemented at the rack or component level to reduce overall energy consumption.
  • Heat Recycling: Heat generated by HPC clusters can be recycled and repurposed for other applications, such as heating buildings or generating electricity. Heat recovery systems capture waste heat and transfer it to other parts of the facility for reuse, improving overall energy efficiency.
  • Intelligent Thermal Management: Intelligent thermal management systems use sensors and predictive analytics to optimize cooling operations based on real-time temperature data and workload conditions. This enables proactive cooling adjustments to prevent overheating while minimizing energy consumption.

By leveraging dynamic voltage and frequency scaling, workload-aware power allocation, and energy-efficient cooling solutions, HPC clusters can significantly reduce operational costs and energy consumption while maintaining high performance and reliability. These intelligent power management techniques are essential for sustainable and cost-effective operation in modern computing environments.

Trade offs/Tech choices

Explain any trade offs you have made and why you made certain tech choices...

Failure scenarios/bottlenecks

Try to discuss as many failure scenarios/bottlenecks as possible.

Future improvements

What are some future improvements you would make? How would you mitigate the failure scenario(s) you described above?

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