
难度: hard

创建一个系统,通过在网络中的多个节点分布缓存数据来提供高速数据存储和检索。该系统应该最小化延迟,减轻数据库负载,并确保数据一致性和容错能力。关键功能包括缓存失效策略、数据划分、复制和同步机制。设计必须支持可扩展性,以应对日益增长的流量和数据量,实现资源的高效利用,并与现有数据库和应用程序无缝集成。例如包括Redis、Memcached、Amazon ElastiCache和Ehcache等。


System requirements


Data Storage and Retrieval:

  • The system should efficiently store and retrieve key-value pairs of data.
  • It should support various data types (strings, integers, objects, etc.) based on application needs.
  • The system should offer operations like GET, SET, DELETE, and potentially more complex operations like HGETALL (get all values for a hash key) depending on the chosen caching solution.

Cache Invalidation:

  • Implement strategies to ensure data consistency between the cache and the primary data source (database).
  • This can involve:
  • Time-to-Live (TTL): Set an expiration time for cached data entries. After expiration, data is fetched from the database on the next read request.
  • Write-Invalidate: When data is updated in the primary database, invalidate the corresponding entry in the cache.
  • Read-Through/Write-Through (Optional): On a cache miss (data not found), fetch it from the database and store it in the cache. Conversely, on a write request to the cache, update the database as well (write-through).

Data Partitioning:

  • Distribute data across multiple cache nodes to handle large datasets efficiently and improve scalability.
  • There are different partitioning techniques:
  • Hashing: Use a hash function on the data key to determine the responsible cache node for storage and retrieval.
  • Consistent Hashing: A variant of hashing that ensures even distribution of data across nodes and minimizes data movement during node addition/removal.


  • Implement data replication on multiple cache nodes for fault tolerance and high availability.
  • This ensures data remains accessible even if a cache node fails.
  • There are different replication strategies:
  • Synchronous Replication: Writes are acknowledged by all replicas before considering the operation complete, offering strong consistency but potentially impacting performance.
  • Asynchronous Replication: Writes are acknowledged by a single replica, followed by eventual propagation to others. This offers higher performance but may lead to temporary inconsistencies.

Synchronization Mechanisms:

  • Maintain data consistency across cache nodes after write operations or invalidations.
  • Mechanisms can include:
  • Gossip Protocols: Nodes periodically exchange information about their cached data, allowing for eventual consistency.
  • Leader-based Replication: A designated leader node coordinates updates and ensures consistency across replicas.


  • Performance:
  • The system should offer low latency data access (retrieval and storage) to minimize application response times.
  • It should handle high throughput to accommodate a large volume of concurrent requests.
  • Scalability:
  • The architecture should allow adding more cache nodes horizontally to handle increased traffic and data volume.
  • This ensures the system can grow as application usage scales.
  • Availability:
  • The system should strive for high availability with minimal downtime.
  • This is achieved through features like replication and fault tolerance mechanisms.
  • Consistency:
  • The system should ensure data consistency between the cache and the primary data source.
  • The chosen cache invalidation strategy determines the level of consistency (strong vs. eventual).
  • Security:
  • Implement proper security measures to protect cached data.
  • This might involve:
  • Access Control: Restrict access to the caching system and cached data based on user permissions.
  • Data Encryption: Encrypt data at rest (on disk) and in transit (network communication) to safeguard sensitive information.
  • Monitoring:
  • Provide mechanisms to monitor system health, including cache hit/miss ratios, node performance metrics, and replication status.
  • This helps identify potential issues and optimize system performance.
  • Fault Tolerance:
  • The system should continue to function even if individual cache nodes fail.
  • This is achieved through replication and mechanisms for handling failed nodes.
  • Operational Management:
  • Provide tools for easy management and maintenance of the caching system.
  • This can include functionalities for adding/removing cache nodes, monitoring cluster health, and configuring cache settings.

API design

The API of your distributed caching system should provide a clean and consistent interface for applications to interact with the cache. Here's a breakdown of some core APIs you might consider:

Basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) Operations:

  • SET(key, value, expiration_time): Stores a key-value pair in the cache with an optional expiration time (TTL) in seconds.
  • GET(key): Retrieves the value associated with a given key. Returns null if the key doesn't exist or has expired.
  • DELETE(key): Removes the key-value pair from the cache.
  • EXISTS(key): Checks if a key exists in the cache. Returns true if the key exists, false otherwise.

Cache Invalidation:

  • INVALIDATE(key): Explicitly invalidates a specific key-value pair, forcing a refresh from the primary data source on the next read request.

Bulk Operations (Optional):

  • MGET(keys): Retrieves multiple key-value pairs in a single request, improving efficiency for fetching a large number of keys.
  • MSET(key_value_pairs): Stores multiple key-value pairs in a single request, optimizing bulk data insertion.

High-level design

In this section, we'll delve into the high-level design of our distributed caching system. We'll identify the essential components to achieve efficient data caching, fault tolerance, and scalability.

Client: Represents the applications or services that interact with the caching system for data storage and retrieval.

Cache Load Balancer: Distributes incoming read and write requests from clients across multiple cache nodes for efficient load balancing and fault tolerance.

Cache Node: Individual server nodes responsible for storing cached data and serving read requests. They can communicate with each other for replication and data consistency.

Metadata Store: Stores information about cached data, such as key-value mappings, locations of cached data on specific nodes, and expiration times (TTL).

Primary Database: The original data source that stores the authoritative data being cached.

Cache Invalidation Service (Optional): An optional component responsible for invalidating cache entries when the corresponding data in the primary database is updated. This ensures data consistency between cache and database.

Cluster Manager: Manages the cluster of cache nodes, handles adding or removing nodes, and monitors the overall health of the cluster.

graph LR
    Client --> |Reads, Writes| Load_Balancer
    Load_Balancer --> |Distributes Requests| Cache_Node_1
    subgraph Cache_Nodes
        Cache_Node_1 --> |Cache Miss| Primary_Database
        Cache_Node_1 <--> |Replication| Cache_Node_2
        Cache_Node_2 <--> |Replication| Cache_Node_3

    Primary_Database  --> |Writes| Cache_Invalidation_Service
    Cache_Invalidation_Service --> |Invalidate Cache Entries| Load_Balancer
    Cluster_Manager --> |Monitors Health, Adds/Removes Nodes| Cache_Nodes
    Metadata_Store -->  |Reads, Writes| Load_Balancer

Request flows

Here's a breakdown of the request flow for a GET request scenario with a cache miss, illustrated using a sequence diagram:

By understanding this sequence diagram, you can visualize how your distributed caching system handles cache misses, retrieves data from the primary database, and optionally caches it for future requests, ultimately improving application performance and reducing database load.

Detailed component design

Caching Strategies and Invalidation in Distributed Systems

Effective caching strategies and invalidation techniques are crucial for optimizing performance and data consistency in distributed caching systems. Here's a breakdown of these concepts:

Caching Strategies:

  • Cache-Aside: This strategy retrieves data from the primary database on every request. If the data exists, it's cached for future use. It's simple to implement but can lead to redundant database calls if the data is frequently accessed.
  • Write-Through (Update Through): This strategy writes data to both the cache and the primary database simultaneously. It ensures strong consistency but can introduce performance overhead due to double writes.
  • Write-Back (Write Behind): This strategy writes data primarily to the cache and asynchronously updates the database later. It offers better write performance but requires careful handling of invalidation to maintain consistency.
  • Read-Through with Write-Behind: This hybrid approach retrieves data from the primary database on a cache miss and stores it in the cache. Writes update the cache first and then asynchronously update the database. It offers a balance between performance and consistency.
  • Partition Caching: This strategy partitions large data structures or collections based on key prefixes. Only the relevant data partition is cached, improving memory usage and reducing cache lookup times.
  • Tiered Caching: This strategy caches frequently accessed data in memory (faster access) and less frequently accessed data on disk (slower access but higher capacity). It maximizes cache utilization while providing fast access for hot data.

Cache Invalidation Strategies:

  • Time-Based Invalidation: This strategy sets an expiration time (TTL) for cached data. After the TTL elapses, the data is considered stale and removed from the cache. It's simple to implement but might lead to serving slightly outdated data near the expiration time.
  • Version-Based Invalidation: The cache stores data versions alongside the actual data. When the data in the primary database is updated, the version is incremented. Cache invalidation messages with the new version are sent to nodes, prompting them to remove entries with older versions. This ensures strong consistency but requires additional version management overhead.
  • Write Invalidation: Whenever data is updated in the primary database, an invalidation message is broadcast to all cache nodes, forcing them to remove the corresponding cached entry. This guarantees consistency but can generate significant network traffic for frequent updates.

Cache Invalidation Responsibility with Multiple Services:

In a system with multiple services reading and writing to the cache, the responsibility for cache invalidation can be handled in different ways:

  • Centrally Managed Invalidation: A dedicated service monitors data updates in the primary database and triggers invalidation messages for the affected cache entries. This centralizes control but introduces a single point of failure.
  • Write-Through with Invalidation: Services write data to the primary database, which triggers updates in the cache and sends invalidation messages to other nodes. This approach leverages the database's update notification mechanism but might not be supported by all databases.
  • Application-Level Invalidation: Each service is responsible for invalidating relevant cache entries after updating the primary database. This distributes the responsibility but requires careful coordination and error handling between services.

Replication Strategies for Fault Tolerance in Distributed Caches

Replication plays a crucial role in achieving fault tolerance within your distributed caching system. It ensures data remains accessible even if individual cache nodes fail. Here's a breakdown of two common replication strategies, along with their advantages and disadvantages:

1. Synchronous Replication:

  • Description: In synchronous replication, a write operation is acknowledged only after all replicas have successfully written the data. This ensures strong consistency between replicas, meaning any read request on any replica will always return the latest data.
  • Advantages:
  • Strong consistency guarantees data integrity across all replicas.
  • Useful for applications requiring the strictest consistency, where stale data reads are unacceptable.
  • Disadvantages:
  • Performance overhead: Waiting for all replicas to acknowledge writes can lead to increased latency for write operations.
  • Reduced availability: If a replica is unavailable, the entire write operation might fail, impacting system availability.

2. Asynchronous Replication:

  • Description: In asynchronous replication, a write operation is acknowledged by a single primary node. The primary node then asynchronously propagates the update to other replicas. This prioritizes write availability over strict consistency.
  • Advantages:
  • Faster write performance: Writes are acknowledged quickly by the primary node, improving responsiveness.
  • Higher availability: Write operations can proceed even if some replicas are unavailable, enhancing system availability.
  • Disadvantages:
  • Eventual consistency: Reads might not immediately reflect the latest write due to ongoing replication. This can lead to temporary inconsistencies between replicas.
  • Requires additional logic: Mechanisms are needed to ensure eventual consistency and handle potential conflicts during data propagation.

Choosing the Right Strategy:

The choice between synchronous and asynchronous replication depends on your application's specific requirements:

  • Prioritize strong consistency and data integrity: Choose synchronous replication if your application cannot tolerate even temporary inconsistencies. This might be suitable for financial transactions or systems requiring real-time data across all replicas.
  • Prioritize availability and performance: Choose asynchronous replication if write performance and system uptime are critical. This is often suitable for caching systems where occasional inconsistencies are acceptable, and eventual consistency is sufficient.

Synchronization Mechanisms for Data Consistency

Maintaining data consistency across multiple cache nodes in a distributed caching system is crucial. Here, we'll explore two common synchronization mechanisms: gossip protocols and leader-based approaches.

1. Gossip Protocols:

  • Description: Gossip protocols are decentralized communication mechanisms where nodes periodically exchange information about their cached data with neighboring nodes. This information typically includes keys, values, and timestamps. Over time, through these exchanges, all nodes eventually converge to a consistent state.
  • Advantages:
  • Scalable: Gossip protocols work well in large, dynamic clusters with frequent node addition/removal.
  • Fault-tolerant: No single point of failure, as any node can participate in information exchange.
  • Disadvantages:
  • Eventual Consistency: Consistency is not guaranteed immediately after a write or invalidation. It takes time for gossip to propagate the update to all nodes.
  • Increased Network Traffic: Frequent information exchange can add to network traffic overhead.

2. Leader-based Replication:

  • Description: In a leader-based approach, a designated leader node is responsible for coordinating data updates across all replicas. Write requests are sent to the leader, which updates its own data and then propagates the update to other follower nodes.
  • Advantages:
  • Strong Consistency: Updates are propagated in a controlled manner, ensuring all replicas reflect the same data state after a write.
  • Faster Convergence: Updates reach all nodes more quickly compared to gossip protocols.
  • Disadvantages:
  • Single Point of Failure: The leader node is a critical point of failure. If it fails, writes cannot be processed until a new leader is elected.
  • Scalability Challenges: Leader election and update propagation can become bottlenecks in large clusters.

Trade offs/Tech choices

Explain any trade offs you have made and why you made certain tech choices...

Failure scenarios/bottlenecks

Try to discuss as many failure scenarios/bottlenecks as possible.

Future improvements

What are some future improvements you would make? How would you mitigate the failure scenario(s) you described above?

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