
难度: advanced



System requirements


  1. Container Lifecycle Management:
  2. The system should enable automated deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers.
  3. It should provide functionality for starting, stopping, pausing, and deleting containers.
  4. Rolling updates and rollbacks of containerized applications should be supported.
  5. Container Scheduling:
  6. Efficient scheduling of containers based on resource requirements, constraints, and load balancing should be ensured by the system.
  7. It should support various scheduling strategies (e.g., bin packing, spread).
  8. Integration with monitoring systems to dynamically adjust scheduling based on real-time resource usage should be provided.
  9. High Availability:
  10. The system should automatically restart failed containers on healthy hosts.
  11. Configuration of replication and redundancy for critical services should be possible.
  12. Health checks to monitor container and host health, triggering failover when necessary, should be implemented.
  13. Resource Utilization:
  14. Efficient allocation and management of computing resources (CPU, memory, storage) across the cluster should be ensured by the system.
  15. Support for resource quotas and limits to prevent resource exhaustion should be provided.
  16. Optimization of resource usage through techniques like auto-scaling and resource sharing should be implemented.
  17. Load Balancing:
  18. The system should distribute incoming traffic among containers to ensure optimal resource utilization and performance.
  19. Dynamic reconfiguration of load balancers based on container scaling and health status should be supported.
  20. Support for different load balancing algorithms (e.g., round-robin, least connections) should be provided.
  21. Self-Healing:
  22. Automatic detection and recovery from container failures should be supported by the system.
  23. Proactive monitoring and alerting mechanisms to identify potential issues before they impact availability should be implemented.
  24. Configuration of policies for automatic recovery actions (e.g., restart container, reschedule on a different node) should be possible.
  25. Microservices Support:
  26. The system should facilitate the deployment and coordination of microservices within the container ecosystem.
  27. Support for service discovery, routing, and communication between microservices should be provided.
  28. Integration with service mesh frameworks for advanced microservices management capabilities should be supported.
  29. Integration with CI/CD Pipelines:
  30. The system should seamlessly integrate with CI/CD pipelines for automated testing, building, and deployment of containerized applications.
  31. Deployment workflows should be triggered based on code commits, image updates, or other events.
  32. Support for versioning and rollback of container images should be provided.


  1. Scalability:
  2. The system should scale horizontally to accommodate an increasing number of containers and nodes.
  3. It should support large-scale deployments without compromising performance.
  4. Reliability:
  5. The system should be highly reliable, ensuring minimal downtime and data loss.
  6. Fault-tolerant mechanisms to handle failures gracefully should be implemented.
  7. Security:
  8. Robust security measures to protect containers, hosts, and data should be implemented.
  9. Support for authentication, authorization, and encryption of communication channels should be provided.
  10. Isolation of containers to prevent unauthorized access and attacks should be ensured.
  11. Performance:
  12. The system should efficiently utilize resources to maximize performance and minimize latency.
  13. System components should be monitored and optimized to ensure responsiveness under varying workloads.
  14. Usability:
  15. Intuitive user interfaces and APIs for managing containers, clusters, and deployments should be provided.
  16. Comprehensive documentation and support resources for users and administrators should be available.
  17. Interoperability:
  18. Compatibility with industry standards and APIs to facilitate integration with third-party tools and services should be ensured.
  19. Support for multiple container runtimes and orchestration platforms to accommodate diverse environments should be provided.
  20. Maintainability:
  21. Easy maintenance and upgrade processes for the system and its components should be supported.
  22. Logging, monitoring, and debugging tools should be implemented to facilitate troubleshooting and performance analysis.
  23. Cost-effectiveness:
  24. The system should efficiently utilize resources to minimize infrastructure costs.
  25. Consideration of licensing fees, support costs, and operational expenses in system design and deployment strategies should be made.

Capacity estimation

Estimate the scale of the system you are going to design...

API design

Define what APIs are expected from the system...

Database design

Defining the system data model early on will clarify how data will flow among different components of the system. Also you could draw an ER diagram using the diagramming tool to enhance your design...

High-level design

  1. API Server:
  2. API Server serves as the central component for communication and interaction with the system.
  3. It exposes RESTful APIs for managing clusters, containers, deployments, and other resources.
  4. Scheduler:
  5. Scheduler is responsible for container scheduling based on resource requirements, constraints, and load balancing policies.
  6. It evaluates resource availability on nodes and selects appropriate nodes for container placement.
  7. Controller Manager:
  8. Controller Manager consists of various controllers responsible for managing different aspects of the system.
  9. These controllers monitor the state of clusters, nodes, and containers, and take corrective actions as needed.
  10. etcd:
  11. most of the container orchestration systems utilize etcd as its distributed key-value store for storing cluster state and configuration data.
  12. etcd ensures reliability and consistency of data across the cluster.
  13. Container Runtime:
  14. Container runtime supports various container runtimes such as Docker, containerd, and others.
  15. These container runtimes are responsible for executing and managing containers on cluster nodes.
  16. Networking:
  17. Networking includes various plugins and solutions for networking, such as Kubernetes CNI (Container Network Interface) plugins.
  18. These plugins provide network overlays, routing, and load balancing for containerized applications.
  19. Along with this we will also need a proxy component which runs inside each pod and helps us manage communication from and to the POD.
  20. Load Balancer:
  21. Cloud-native load balancers or Ingress controllers can be used for managing external traffic to services running in Kubernetes clusters.
  22. Ingress controllers like NGINX Ingress, Traefik, or Istio Gateway provide features for routing and load balancing traffic.
  23. Health Checking:
  24. Every POD will have a manager component which provides built-in health checking mechanisms such as liveness and readiness probes.
  25. Containers define liveness and readiness probes to report their health status to the manager component, and Orchestrator takes actions based on probe results.
  26. Logging and Monitoring:
  27. Logging and monitoring solutions like Prometheus, Grafana, Elasticsearch, and Fluentd can be used for collecting logs and metrics from containers, nodes, and system components.
  28. Authentication and Authorization:
  29. API Server provides built-in support for authentication and authorization through mechanisms like RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), which allows administrators to define access policies for users and service accounts.
  30. CI/CD Integration:
  31. System integrates seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, or Argo CD for automating testing, building, and deployment of containerized applications.
graph TD;
    subgraph Client

    subgraph Control_Plane

        Controller_Manager --> API_Server
        Scheduler --> API_Server
        ETCD --> API_Server

    subgraph Worker_Node_1

        subgraph POD_1
            C1[Container 1]
            C2[Container 2]

        subgraph POD_2
            C3[Container 2]

        POD_Manager --> POD_1
        POD_Manager --> POD_2

        Proxy_Component --> POD_1
        Proxy_Component --> POD_2

    subgraph Worker_Node_2

        subgraph POD1
            C6[Container 1]
            C7[Container 2]

        subgraph POD2
            C9[Container 1]
            C8[Container 2]

        PM2 --> POD1
        PM2 --> POD2

        PC2 --> POD1
        PC2 --> POD2

    Client -->|REST API| Control_Plane
    API_Server --> Worker_Node_1
    API_Server --> Worker_Node_2

Request flows

Explain how the request flows from end to end in your high level design. Also you could draw a sequence diagram using the diagramming tool to enhance your explanation...

Detailed component design

Control Plane components

Now let's discuss about the control plane components one by one.

API Server:

  • Functionality:
  • API Server is the central component for communication and interaction with the system.
  • It exposes RESTful APIs for managing clusters, containers, deployments, and other resources.
  • Role:
  • API Server handles incoming requests from users and other components.
  • It validates and authorizes requests based on configured authentication and authorization policies.
  • Various API's which are required to manage the cluster are exposed by the container, it communicates the actions to the POD Manager and waits for the response.
  • Scaling:
  • API Server can be scaled horizontally by deploying multiple instances behind a load balancer.
  • Load balancers distribute incoming requests among API server instances.


  • Functionality:
  • Scheduler is responsible for container scheduling based on resource requirements, constraints, and load balancing policies.
  • It evaluates resource availability on nodes and selects appropriate nodes for container placement.
  • Role:
  • Scheduler determines where to run pods (groups of one or more containers).
  • It optimizes resource utilization across the cluster.
  • Scaling:
  • Typically scales vertically by increasing the resources allocated to the scheduler component.
  • Can also be scaled horizontally by deploying multiple scheduler instances.
  • Algorithms and Metrics:
  • The scheduler employs various algorithms and metrics to determine which containers to run on which nodes. These decisions are crucial for optimizing resource utilization, maintaining high availability, and meeting performance requirements. Here are some commonly used algorithms and metrics:
  • Resource Requirements: The scheduler considers the resource requests and limits specified by containers when making scheduling decisions. It tries to place containers on nodes with sufficient available CPU and memory resources to meet their requirements.
  • Node Affinity and Anti-affinity: Provides more sophisticated rules for pod placement based on node labels, allowing users to express preferences or constraints for pod placement.
  • Quality of Service (QoS): Assigns priority levels to pods based on their QoS requirements (Guaranteed, Burstable, BestEffort). Pods with higher priority may be scheduled ahead of lower-priority pods.
  • Utilization Metrics: The scheduler may consider node resource utilization metrics (CPU, memory, disk, etc.) to identify nodes that are underutilized or overloaded and make scheduling decisions accordingly.
  • Container Constraints: The scheduler can consider constraints for the container, these constraints are defined by the user and can be used to influence the scheduling decision. These contraints are usually based on business requirements to improve fault tolerance, resilience and reliability.

Controller Manager

  • Functionality:
  • Controller Manager consists of various controllers responsible for managing different aspects of the system.
  • It monitors the state of clusters, nodes, and containers, and takes corrective actions as needed.
  • The correction actions can include scaling, self-healing, and replication of resources. Controller Managers sends instructions to the API server to make the necessary changes.
  • Role:
  • Ensures desired state of the system is maintained.
  • Manages replication, scaling, and self-healing mechanisms.
  • Scaling:
  • Similar to the API server, it can be scaled horizontally by deploying multiple instances behind a load balancer.
  • Each controller can also be scaled independently based on workload.


  • Functionality:
  • This components is Utilized as a distributed key-value store for storing cluster state and configuration data.
  • Ensures reliability and consistency of data across the cluster.
  • The responsibility of maintaining data in etcd primarily falls on the API Server component. The API Server is responsible for interacting with etcd to store and retrieve cluster state information. When users make requests to the Kubernetes API (e.g., creating, updating, or deleting resources), the API Server translates these requests into etcd operations and ensures the consistency of the cluster state stored in etcd.
  • Role:
  • etcd stores configuration information such as cluster settings, node status, and pod definitions.
  • Acts as the source of truth for the entire system.
  • Scaling and Replication:
  • etcd can be scaled horizontally by deploying multiple instances in a cluster.
  • Clusters can be configured with an appropriate number of etcd nodes to handle expected load and provide redundancy.
  • It employs a distributed consensus algorithm called Raft. Raft ensures that etcd maintains consistency and availability across multiple nodes in a cluster.
  • To maintain consistency, etcd requires a quorum of nodes to agree on updates before committing them. By default, etcd uses a majority quorum, ensuring that updates are replicated to a majority of nodes before they are considered committed.

Worker Node and its components

Before we start with worker nodes, lets understand about the PODs.

  • A POD in Kubernetes is the smallest deployable unit that represents a group of one or more containers that share the same network namespace and storage volumes and can be scheduled and managed together.
  • A POD encapsulates one or more containers, storage resources, and network configurations. Containers within a Pod share the same IP address and port space and can communicate with each other using localhost.
  • Containers within the same Pod typically co-locate tightly coupled application components that need to share resources and communicate over localhost. For example, a web server container and a sidecar container that handles logging may be colocated within the same Pod.
  • Containers within a Pod share the same lifecycle, and they are scheduled, started, stopped, and deleted together. They also share access to the same set of resources, such as volumes and environment variables.
  • PODs share the resources of the node they are scheduled on.
Container Runtime:
  • Functionality:
  • Container Runtime supports various container runtimes such as Docker, containerd, and others.
  • It is responsible for executing and managing containers on cluster nodes.
  • Role:
  • Container Runtime provides an environment for running containerized applications.
  • It manages container lifecycle including creation, execution, and termination.
Proxy Component:
  • Functionality:
  • This component runs inside each pod and helps manage communication from and to the POD.
  • It handles port forwarding and routing traffic to the appropriate containers.
  • Role:
  • Proxy component facilitates communication between containers within the same pod and with external services.
  • Enables access to services running inside the pod from outside the cluster.
  • Scaling:
  • Scales automatically with the deployment of pods.

Handling Sudden Spikes in Traffic:

  1. Auto-scaling: we will implement auto-scaling mechanisms that dynamically adjust the number of replicas for services based on metrics such as CPU utilization, memory usage, or incoming request rates. This ensures that the system can handle sudden increases in traffic by automatically provisioning additional resources. The user can provide inputs for autoscaling based on metrics and then the Scheduling component can use that configuration to scale-up and scale down the systems.
  2. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA): Configure HPAs to automatically scale the number of Pod replicas based on observed CPU utilization or custom metrics. This allows the system to scale out during spikes in traffic and scale in during periods of low demand.

Maintaining Consistency During Updates:

Whenever the customer wants to update the containers, then they can start the CI/CD for the container images, but to update the images in all the worker nodes takes time, below are the points considered while updating the container images.

  1. Rolling Updates: Perform rolling updates for deployments, ensuring that updates are applied gradually to avoid downtime and maintain consistency. This involves replacing Pods one by one with new versions while ensuring that a sufficient number of healthy Pods are available at all times.
  2. Readiness and Liveness Probes: Define readiness and liveness probes for Pods to ensure that they are ready to serve traffic and healthy before receiving traffic. This prevents traffic from being routed to Pods that are not yet ready or are experiencing issues after an update.
  3. Rollback Mechanisms: Implement rollback mechanisms that allow for quick and automated rollback to a previous version in case of issues or failures during updates. This ensures that the system can revert to a stable state in case of unexpected behavior.

Ensuring Fault Tolerance in Geographically Distributed Clusters

To make sure our system is fault tolerant, we need to have geographically distributed clusters, along with this we would also need smart load balancers to re-route traffic to nearest cluster. We will also need to have replication system which makes sure data is replicated to all regions.

  1. Multi-Region Deployment: Deploy clusters across multiple geographic regions to distribute workloads and improve fault tolerance. Utilize cloud providers' multi-region capabilities or deploy Kubernetes clusters across different data centers.
  2. Replication and Data Synchronization: Replicate data and resources across geographically distributed clusters to ensure data consistency and availability. Leverage distributed databases, object storage systems, or data synchronization tools to replicate data across clusters in different regions.
  3. Global Load Balancing: Implement global load balancing solutions that can intelligently route traffic to the nearest available cluster based on proximity and health. This ensures that users are directed to the closest and most responsive cluster while providing fault tolerance and high availability.

Trade offs/Tech choices

Explain any trade offs you have made and why you made certain tech choices...

Failure scenarios/bottlenecks

Try to discuss as many failure scenarios/bottlenecks as possible.

Future improvements

What are some future improvements you would make? How would you mitigate the failure scenario(s) you described above?

得分: 9