
难度: advanced



System requirements

For the scope of our problem, we will only consider the following resources that can be managed in our architecture,

  • Virtual machines
  • Web servers
  • Databases
  • Virtual networks
  • Cache
  • Authentication Services


  • User Management:
  • User registration and login with secure authentication (e.g., password hashing, two-factor authentication).
  • Role-based access control (RBAC) to restrict functionalities based on user type (admin, regular user, etc.).
  • User profile management.
  • Cloud Service Management:
  • Integration with various cloud service providers through APIs.
  • Comprehensive cloud service catalog with details on features, pricing, performance metrics, and security compliance information.
  • Cloud service search and filtering based on user-defined criteria (e.g., keywords, categories, pricing range).
  • Side-by-side comparison of different cloud services.
  • Subscription Management:
  • Provisioning and de-provisioning of cloud resources across different providers.
  • Single dashboard to view and manage all active subscriptions.
  • Ability to modify, upgrade, or downgrade subscriptions easily.
  • Automated billing and invoicing based on usage and subscribed plans.
  • Integration Support:
  • Pre-built connectors or tools to facilitate integration between services from different cloud providers.
  • Support for custom integrations through APIs or scripting languages.
  • Value-Added Services: (Optional)
  • Cost optimization analysis: Identify areas for cost savings and suggest optimizations like resource type changes or configuration adjustments.
  • Compliance management tools: Assist businesses in meeting relevant compliance requirements with features like data residency tracking and audit logs.
  • Technical support: Offer assistance with cloud service usage through documentation, FAQs, or a ticketing system.


  • Performance:
  • The platform should be responsive and provide fast loading times for various functionalities.
  • Scalability: The CSBP should be able to handle a growing user base and increasing service offerings.
  • Security:
  • Secure user authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  • Data encryption at rest and in transit.
  • Regular security audits and vulnerability assessments.
  • Usability:
  • User-friendly interface with intuitive navigation and clear instructions.
  • Role-specific dashboards and functionalities tailored to different user types.
  • Availability:
  • The platform should be highly available with minimal downtime.
  • Disaster recovery plan to ensure platform functionality in case of outages.
  • Interoperability:
  • The CSBP should be able to integrate with various cloud service providers and their APIs.
  • Open API architecture for future integrations and customizations.

Capacity estimation

Estimate the scale of the system you are going to design...

API design

To design a Cloud Service Brokerage Platform (CSBP) that effectively facilitates interactions between users, businesses, and cloud service providers, a robust API architecture is essential.

  1. Authentication API:
  2. Endpoint for user registration.
  3. Endpoint for user login with secure authentication mechanisms (e.g., password hashing, two-factor authentication).
  4. Token generation for authenticated sessions.
  5. Role-based access control (RBAC) management endpoints for assigning roles to users.
  6. User Profile Management API:
  7. Endpoints for viewing and updating user profiles.
  8. Ability to retrieve user-specific information such as subscriptions, preferences, and usage history.
  9. Cloud Service Catalog API:
  10. Endpoint for retrieving a comprehensive catalog of cloud services available from various providers.
  11. Information on features, pricing, performance metrics, and security compliance for each service.
  12. Search and filtering endpoints based on user-defined criteria such as keywords, categories, and pricing range.
  13. Endpoint for side-by-side comparison of different cloud services.
  14. Subscription Management API:
  15. Endpoints for provisioning and de-provisioning cloud resources across different providers.
  16. Operations to modify, upgrade, or downgrade subscriptions.
  17. Single dashboard endpoint to view and manage all active subscriptions.
  18. Automated billing and invoicing endpoints based on usage and subscribed plans.
  19. Integration Support API:
  20. Pre-built connectors or tools to facilitate integration between services from different cloud providers.
  21. Support for custom integrations through APIs or scripting languages.
  22. Endpoint for managing integration configurations and settings.
  23. Value-Added Services API (Optional):
  24. Endpoint for cost optimization analysis, providing suggestions for resource type changes or configuration adjustments.
  25. Compliance management tools endpoints for assisting businesses in meeting relevant compliance requirements.
  26. Technical support endpoints for accessing documentation, FAQs, or submitting support tickets.
  27. Performance Monitoring API:
  28. Endpoints for monitoring platform performance metrics such as response times, latency, and uptime.
  29. Alerting mechanisms for identifying and addressing performance issues proactively.
  30. Security API:
  31. Endpoints for managing secure user authentication and authorization mechanisms.
  32. Operations for data encryption at rest and in transit.
  33. Endpoints for conducting regular security audits and vulnerability assessments.
  34. Availability and Disaster Recovery API:
  35. Endpoints for monitoring platform availability and downtime.
  36. Operations for implementing disaster recovery plans to ensure platform functionality during outages.
  37. Interoperability API:
  38. Endpoints for integrating with various cloud service providers and their APIs.
  39. Open API architecture endpoints for future integrations and customizations.

Database design

When designing a database for the Cloud Service Brokerage Platform, we need to consider the entities and relationships that are essential for the system to function efficiently. Here's a high-level overview of the database design for the platform:


  1. Users: Store user information such as user ID, username, email, password, etc.
  2. Cloud Service Providers: Keep track of information about different cloud service providers like provider ID, name, services offered, pricing, etc.
  3. Subscriptions: Record details of user subscriptions to different cloud services including subscription ID, user ID, service provider ID, subscription status, etc.
  4. Integration Settings: Store user-specific integration settings for connecting services from multiple providers.
  5. Value-added Services: Manage information about value-added services offered to users like cost optimization advice, compliance management, technical support, etc.
  6. Resources: Stores information about resources deployed in various subscriptions and their metadata information.

High-level design

For the design of Cloud Service Brokerage platform, there are many components required which will be essential for creation and management of multi-cloud deployments. Below are few components which are essential for this design.

  1. Authentication Service: Manages user authentication and authorization, ensuring secure access control to platform resources. The role of this service is to ensure that users should only be able to view resources and subscriptions for which they have access.
  2. Subscription Management Service: Handles provisioning, modification, and billing of cloud service subscriptions across different providers. This service will take care of getting all the active subscriptions on different clouds and provide API to manage these subscriptions.
  3. Dashboard Service: Provides a user interface for managing subscriptions, resources, and value-added services through a centralized dashboard.
  4. Pricing Service: Calculates and presents pricing information for cloud services, aiding users in making informed decisions.
  5. Monitoring Service: Monitors the health, performance, and availability of platform components and cloud services, generating alerts for anomalies.
  6. Notification Service: Sends notifications to users about subscription updates, system events, and alerts.
  7. Queue Component: Manages queued operations on resources to process concurrent requests efficiently, ensuring system scalability and performance.
  8. Database and Analytics Store: Stores and manages data related to users, subscriptions, resources, and operational analytics.
  9. Connector Service: Facilitates connections with leading cloud service providers, enabling seamless integration and management of resources.
  10. Integration Service: Orchestrates the integration of multiple cloud services, ensuring interoperability and seamless data flow between systems.
  11. Identity and Access Management (IAM) Service: Manages user identities, roles, and permissions, enforcing security policies across the platform.
  12. Event Streaming Service: Processes and distributes real-time events and notifications within the platform, enabling asynchronous communication and event-driven architecture.
  13. Security Service: Implements security measures such as encryption, threat detection, and vulnerability management to protect the platform and its users from security threats.
graph TD;
    DS[Dashboard Service] --> |Uses| PS[Pricing Service]
    DS --> |Sends| NS[Notification Service]
    DS --> |Uses| SMS[Subscription Management Service]
    DS --> |Uses| MS[Monitoring Service]
    DS --> |Queries| DAS[Database and Analytics Store]
    DS --> |Integrates with| IS[Integration Service]
    DS --> |Authentication| AS[Authentication Service]
    SMS --> |Utilizes| Q[Queue Component]
    DAS --> |Queries| IAM[Identity and Access Management Service]
    DAS --> |Pushes| ESS[Event Streaming Service]
    SS[Security Service] --> |Secures| DS
    SS --> |Secures| IS
    CS[Connector Service] --> |Connects| DS

Request flows

Resource Allocation Flow

In this flow the users login to the system and open the dashboard, most cloud brokerage platforms provide templates which the users can view, modify and then submit for deployment.

In this flow the users can decide which platform to use for deployment of the resources, once done users can submit the deployment request and then they can monitor the resource deployment. Notification service can notify the users about various operations completion and failures.

Once the resources are deployed the platform can also provide suggestions about the best practices which can be performed on the resources to improve the performance and reliability, users can again decide whether to perform these operations.

Resource and Cost Monitoring Flow

In this flow the users login to the system and navigate the dashboard where they can select subscriptions which will show them health of multiple resource across subscriptions.

The dashboard will also show resources and their accumulated costs. If there are any suggestions then the dashboard can show them, else the user should be able to get a link of the resource and manually manage the resource by logging into the CSP platform.

Detailed component design

let us now discuss about a few services and their implementation.

User Management:

Each organization that will use our platform will require user management which will help them login to the system and also assign various permission levels on the resources. There are many services which are required to implement the user management scenario, here are a few of these services.

  1. Authentication Service:
  2. Utilize industry-standard authentication protocols such as OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect for secure user authentication.
  3. Implement password hashing algorithms like bcrypt to securely store and manage user passwords.
  4. Enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) for an added layer of security, leveraging methods such as SMS codes, authenticator apps, or hardware tokens.
  5. Implement mechanisms to handle account lockouts and password reset functionality securely.
  6. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Service:
  7. Define roles such as admin, regular user, and possibly other custom roles based on the platform's requirements.
  8. Associate permissions with each role, specifying what actions users with that role can perform within the platform.
  9. Implement RBAC middleware to enforce access control rules at the API level, ensuring that users only have access to the resources and functionalities they are authorized to use.

The data related to users can be stored in NoSQL document database and we can use Redis cache to maintain the session information about the users.

Subscription Management:

Subscription Management is a crucial component of the Cloud Service Brokerage Platform (CSBP) that facilitates the provisioning, modification, and billing of cloud service subscriptions across different providers. It serves as the backbone for users to efficiently manage their cloud resources and services, ensuring optimal utilization and cost-effectiveness.

At its core, Subscription Management encompasses several key functionalities:

  1. Provisioning and Modification: Users can subscribe to various cloud services offered by different providers through the CSBP. The Subscription Management service handles the provisioning of resources based on user requests, ensuring that the necessary infrastructure is allocated and configured according to the selected subscription plans. Additionally, users can modify their existing subscriptions, such as upgrading or downgrading their service tiers.
  2. Billing and Invoicing: Subscription Management also handles the billing and invoicing aspects of cloud services. It tracks usage metrics and calculates charges based on the subscribed plans, resource consumption, and any additional services utilized. The service generates invoices and facilitates payment processing, ensuring accurate billing and timely payments.
  3. Integration with Cloud Providers: Subscription Management integrates with various cloud service providers through APIs, enabling seamless interaction and management of subscriptions across different platforms. This integration ensures interoperability and allows users to access a wide range of cloud services from different providers through a unified interface. The Subscription Management service abstracts the complexities of dealing with multiple providers, providing users with a centralized platform to manage their subscriptions and resources effortlessly.

Cost Management:

Cost management is a critical aspect of any cloud service brokerage platform (CSBP), ensuring that users optimize their spending while maximizing the value of their cloud investments. It involves various strategies and tools to monitor, analyze, and control expenses associated with cloud services.

  1. Cost Analysis and Optimization: CSBP offers comprehensive cost analysis tools that provide insights into cloud spending across different providers and services. Users can track their usage patterns, identify cost drivers, and analyze spending trends to make informed decisions about resource allocation and optimization.
  2. Cost Allocation and Budgeting: CSBP allows users to allocate costs to different departments, projects, or teams, enabling accurate cost attribution and budget management. Users can set budget limits and alerts to prevent overspending and ensure cost control.
  3. Cost Optimization Recommendations: CSBP provides recommendations and best practices for optimizing costs, such as rightsizing resources, implementing cost-effective architectures, leveraging reserved instances or spot instances, and optimizing storage usage. These recommendations help users reduce unnecessary expenses and optimize their cloud spending.

Handling Concurrent Requests

The CSBP system has peak load when new system are being deployed by organizations or existing systems are being integrated for the first time. During this period multiple users will perform concurrent operations which will result in high load on the system, below scenario describes what happens in such cases and how can we address them in our design. The solution is based on having orchestration service, queue service for asynchronous communication and worker nodes.


Imagine a scenario where multiple users of the Cloud Service Brokerage Platform (CSBP) initiate integration requests simultaneously to connect their subscribed cloud services with external applications or services. These integration requests involve tasks such as setting up webhooks, configuring data pipelines, or synchronizing data between different systems. As a result, the CSBP experiences a high concurrency of integration requests, potentially leading to performance bottlenecks and resource contention.


To address the high concurrency of integration requests, the CSBP can implement asynchronous messaging queues to decouple the processing of integration tasks from the incoming user requests. Here's how the solution can be implemented:

  • Integration Request Queue:
  • Create a dedicated integration request queue within the CSBP's messaging system (e.g., RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka).
  • When users initiate integration requests through the CSBP's interface, the requests are placed in this queue instead of being processed synchronously.
  • Worker Processes:
  • Deploy multiple worker processes or microservices that are responsible for processing integration tasks from the queue.
  • These worker processes are designed to handle different types of integration tasks and are scalable to accommodate varying levels of workload.
  • Concurrency Control:
  • Implement concurrency control mechanisms within the worker processes to limit the number of concurrent tasks being processed at any given time.
  • Set appropriate concurrency thresholds based on system capacity and resource availability to prevent overload and ensure optimal performance.
  • Load Balancing:
  • Utilize load balancing techniques to distribute incoming integration requests evenly across the available worker processes.
  • Implement dynamic load balancing algorithms that adapt to changing workload patterns and distribute tasks efficiently.
  • Message Acknowledgment and Retry:
  • Implement message acknowledgment mechanisms to ensure reliable message processing.
  • Upon successful completion of an integration task, the worker process acknowledges the message and removes it from the queue.
  • If a task fails due to temporary issues (e.g., network connectivity, service unavailability), the worker process can retry processing the message after a brief delay.

Trade offs/Tech choices

Explain any trade offs you have made and why you made certain tech choices...

Failure scenarios/bottlenecks

Try to discuss as many failure scenarios/bottlenecks as possible.

Future improvements

What are some future improvements you would make? How would you mitigate the failure scenario(s) you described above?

得分: 9