
标签: 广度优先搜索 线段树 数组 动态规划

难度: Hard

为了给刷题的同学一些奖励,力扣团队引入了一个弹簧游戏机。游戏机由 N 个特殊弹簧排成一排,编号为 0N-1。初始有一个小球在编号 0 的弹簧处。若小球在编号为 i 的弹簧处,通过按动弹簧,可以选择把小球向右弹射 jump[i] 的距离,或者向左弹射到任意左侧弹簧的位置。也就是说,在编号为 i 弹簧处按动弹簧,小球可以弹向 0i-1 中任意弹簧或者 i+jump[i] 的弹簧(若 i+jump[i]>=N ,则表示小球弹出了机器)。小球位于编号 0 处的弹簧时不能再向左弹。

为了获得奖励,你需要将小球弹出机器。请求出最少需要按动多少次弹簧,可以将小球从编号 0 弹簧弹出整个机器,即向右越过编号 N-1 的弹簧。

示例 1:

输入:jump = [2, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1]


解释:小 Z 最少需要按动 3 次弹簧,小球依次到达的顺序为 0 -> 2 -> 1 -> 6,最终小球弹出了机器。


  • 1 <= jump.length <= 10^6
  • 1 <= jump[i] <= 10000


运行时间: 244 ms

内存: 79.4 MB

class Solution:
    def minJump(self, jump: List[int]) -> int:
        left_max_vis_idx = 0
        visited_status = set()
        queue = [0]
        n = len(jump)
        ans  = 0
        if n == 1:
            return 0
        while queue:
            tmp = queue
            queue = []
            ans += 1
            for item in tmp:
                next_item = item + jump[item]
                if next_item >= n:
                    return ans
                if next_item not in visited_status and next_item > left_max_vis_idx:
                if item > left_max_vis_idx:
                    for j in range(left_max_vis_idx + 1, item):
                    left_max_vis_idx = item
        return ans


The solution uses a breadth-first search (BFS) strategy, where each position on the springboard array 'jump' is treated as a node in a graph, and the possible jumps from each node define the edges. Starting from the first spring (index 0), the algorithm explores all possible jumps (both forward to 'i + jump[i]' and backward to any index less than 'i'). A queue is used to keep track of the next indices to visit. The 'visited_status' set ensures each index is only added once to the queue to prevent infinite loops. The BFS approach guarantees that the first time the algorithm reaches beyond the last index (N), the minimum number of moves has been found.

时间复杂度: O(n)

空间复杂度: O(n)

class Solution:
    def minJump(self, jump: List[int]) -> int:
        left_max_vis_idx = 0 # Tracks the furthest left index visited
        visited_status = set() # Keeps track of which indices have been visited
        queue = [0] # BFS queue starting from the first index
        n = len(jump) # Length of the jump array
        ans = 0 # Counter for the minimum number of jumps
        if n == 1:
            return 0 # If there's only one element, no jumps are needed
        while queue:
            tmp = queue
            queue = []
            ans += 1
            for item in tmp:
                next_item = item + jump[item] # Calculate next index using jump
                if next_item >= n:
                    return ans # Return answer if next index is out of bounds
                if next_item not in visited_status and next_item > left_max_vis_idx:
                    queue.append(next_item) # Enqueue valid, unvisited index
                if item > left_max_vis_idx:
                    for j in range(left_max_vis_idx + 1, item):
                        if j not in visited_status: # Enqueue all unvisited indices between last max visited index and current
                    left_max_vis_idx = item # Update the furthest left visited index
        return ans # Return the number of jumps needed if loop exits normally



