
标签: 记忆化搜索 数组 动态规划

难度: Hard

给出一些不同颜色的盒子 boxes ,盒子的颜色由不同的正数表示。

你将经过若干轮操作去去掉盒子,直到所有的盒子都去掉为止。每一轮你可以移除具有相同颜色的连续 k 个盒子(k >= 1),这样一轮之后你将得到 k * k 个积分。

返回 你能获得的最大积分和 。

示例 1:

输入:boxes = [1,3,2,2,2,3,4,3,1]
[1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 1] 
----> [1, 3, 3, 4, 3, 1] (3*3=9 分) 
----> [1, 3, 3, 3, 1] (1*1=1 分) 
----> [1, 1] (3*3=9 分) 
----> [] (2*2=4 分)

示例 2:

输入:boxes = [1,1,1]

示例 3:

输入:boxes = [1]


  • 1 <= boxes.length <= 100
  • 1 <= boxes[i] <= 100


运行时间: 416 ms

内存: 0.0 MB

class Solution:
    def removeBoxes(self, boxes):
        :type boxes: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        # Let A be the array of boxes.

        # One natural approach is to consider dp(i, j) = the answer for A[i: j+1]. But this isn't flexible enough for divide and conquer style strategies. For example, with [1,2,2,2,1], we don't have enough information when investigating things like [1,2,2,2] and [1] separately.

        # Let dp(i, j, k) = the maximum value of removing boxes if we have k extra boxes of color A[i] to the left of A[i: j+1]. (We would have at most k < len(A) extra boxes.) Let m <= j be the largest value so that A[i], A[i+1], ... A[m] are all the same color. Because a^2 + b^2 < (a+b)^2, any block of contiguous boxes of the same color must be removed at the same time, so in fact dp(i, j, k) = dp(m, j, k+(m-i)).

        # Now, we could remove the k boxes we were carrying plus box A[i] (value: (k+1)**2), then remove the rest (value: dp(i+1, j, 0)). Or, for any point m in [i+1, j] with A[i] == A[m], we could remove dp(i+1, m-1) first, then [m, j] would have k+1 extra boxes of color A[m] behind, which has value dp(m, j, k+1).

        # The "i, k = m, k + m - i" part skips order (m-i)*(j-i) calls to dp, and is necessary to get this kind of solution to pass in Python.
        N = len(boxes)
        memo = [[[0] * N for _ in range(N) ] for _ in range(N)]

        def dp(i, j, k):
            if i > j: 
                return 0
            if not memo[i][j][k]:
                index = i
                while index + 1 <= j and boxes[index + 1] == boxes[i]:
                    index += 1
                k = k + index - i
                i = index

                ans = dp(i + 1, j, 0) + (k + 1) ** 2
                for index in range(i + 1, j + 1):
                    if boxes[i] == boxes[index]:
                        ans = max(ans, dp(i + 1, index - 1, 0) + dp(index, j, k + 1))
                memo[i][j][k] = ans
            return memo[i][j][k]

        return dp(0, N - 1, 0)


这个题解使用了动态规划的思路。定义状态 dp(i, j, k) 表示考虑区间 [i, j] 中的盒子,并且区间外有 k 个颜色与 boxes[i] 相同的盒子时,能获得的最大积分。状态转移时,可以选择先移除区间 [i, i] 的盒子,获得 (k+1)^2 的积分,再去求解子问题 dp(i+1, j, 0)。也可以选择先移除中间某个位置 m 的盒子(boxes[m] == boxes[i]),获得 dp(i+1, m-1, 0) 的积分,再去求解子问题 dp(m, j, k+1)。在这两种决策中取较大值即可。

时间复杂度: O(n^3)

空间复杂度: O(n^3)

class Solution:
    def removeBoxes(self, boxes):
        :type boxes: List[int]
        :rtype: int
        N = len(boxes)
        memo = [[[0] * N for _ in range(N) ] for _ in range(N)]

        def dp(i, j, k):
            if i > j: 
                return 0
            if not memo[i][j][k]:
                # 找到第一个与 boxes[i] 颜色不同的盒子位置
                index = i
                while index + 1 <= j and boxes[index + 1] == boxes[i]:
                    index += 1
                # 更新状态,将与 boxes[i] 颜色相同的盒子数量并入 k
                k = k + index - i
                i = index

                # 决策1:移除区间 [i, i] 的盒子,获得 (k+1)^2 的积分,然后求解子问题 dp(i+1, j, 0)
                ans = dp(i + 1, j, 0) + (k + 1) ** 2
                # 决策2:先移除中间某个位置 m 的盒子,获得 dp(i+1, m-1, 0) 的积分,然后求解子问题 dp(m, j, k+1)
                for index in range(i + 1, j + 1):
                    if boxes[i] == boxes[index]:
                        ans = max(ans, dp(i + 1, index - 1, 0) + dp(index, j, k + 1))
                memo[i][j][k] = ans
            return memo[i][j][k]

        return dp(0, N - 1, 0)




