

运行时间: 41 ms

内存: 18.1 MB

class Solution:
    def minimumSemesters(self, n: int, relations: List[List[int]]) -> int:
                # Create a default dictionary to hold the adjacency list representation of the graph
        graph = defaultdict(list)
        # Initialize a list for incoming degree count of each node
        incoming_degree = [0] * n
        # Populate the graph and update the incoming degree counts
        for prereq, course in relations:
            # Adjust indices to be 0-based instead of 1-based
            prereq -= 1
            course -= 1
            incoming_degree[course] += 1

        # Initialize a queue with all courses having 0 incoming degree
        queue = deque([i for i, degree in enumerate(incoming_degree) if degree == 0])
        # Initialize a variable to count the number of semesters
        semesters = 0

        # Process nodes level by level (BFS)
        while queue:
            # Increment the semester count
            semesters += 1
            # Process all nodes in the current level
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                course = queue.popleft()
                n -= 1  # Decrement the number of courses remaining
                # Decrease the incoming degree of all adjacent courses
                for next_course in graph[course]:
                    incoming_degree[next_course] -= 1
                    # If adjacent course has no more prerequisites, add it to the queue
                    if incoming_degree[next_course] == 0:

        # If all courses are covered, return the number of semesters
        # If there are still courses remaining with nonzero incoming degree,
        # it means there's a cycle, and we return -1 to indicate it's not possible to finish
        return semesters if n == 0 else -1



时间复杂度: O(V + E)

空间复杂度: O(V + E)

class Solution:
    def minimumSemesters(self, n: int, relations: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        graph = defaultdict(list)  # 存储课程依赖关系的邻接表
        incoming_degree = [0] * n  # 存储每个课程的入度
        for prereq, course in relations:
            prereq -= 1  # 由于课程编号从1开始,调整为0开始
            course -= 1
            graph[prereq].append(course)  # 建立从先修课程到课程的边
            incoming_degree[course] += 1  # 更新课程的入度
        queue = deque([i for i, degree in enumerate(incoming_degree) if degree == 0])  # 入度为0的课程可以首先学习
        semesters = 0
        while queue:
            semesters += 1  # 开始新的一学期
            for _ in range(len(queue)):
                course = queue.popleft()
                n -= 1  # 处理一个课程
                for next_course in graph[course]:
                    incoming_degree[next_course] -= 1  # 减少后继课程的入度
                    if incoming_degree[next_course] == 0:
                        queue.append(next_course)  # 如果后继课程入度为0,加入队列
        return semesters if n == 0 else -1  # 如果所有课程都被处理,返回学期数,否则由于存在环,返回-1




每个课程的入度表示有多少其他课程依赖于该课程先修完成。在算法中,我们首先将所有课程的入度初始化为0。然后,遍历给定的课程依赖关系列表`relations`,每当一个课程B依赖于课程A时(即A是B的先修课程),我们就将课程B的入度增加1。这个过程通过`incoming_degree[course] += 1`实现,其中`course`是从先修关系中得到的依赖课程的编号。通过这种方式,所有课程的入度在遍历所有依赖关系后正确地反映了各自的依赖数量。
