

运行时间: 32 ms

内存: 16.1 MB

# """
# This is Sea's API interface.
# You should not implement it, or speculate about its implementation
# """
#class Sea:
#    def hasShips(self, topRight: 'Point', bottomLeft: 'Point') -> bool:
#class Point:
#	def __init__(self, x: int, y: int):
#		self.x = x
#		self.y = y

class Solution:
    def countShips(self, sea: 'Sea', topRight: 'Point', bottomLeft: 'Point', claim = False) -> int:
        # if (bottomLeft.x > topRight.x) or (bottomLeft.y > topRight.y):
        #     return 0
        # if not hasShips(topRight, bottomLeft):
        #     return 0
        # if (topRight.x == bottomLeft.x) and (topRight.y == bottomLeft.y) and hasShips(topRight, bottomLeft):
        #     return 1
        # mid_x = (topRight.x + bottomLeft.x) // 2
        # mid_y = (topRight.y + bottomLeft.y) // 2

        # x1, y1 = topRight.x, topRight.y
        # x2, y2 = bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y

        # if x1 < x2 or y1 < y2:
        #     return 0

        # judge = True if claim else sea.hasShips(topRight, bottomLeft)
        # if not judge:
        #     return 0
        # if (x1, y1) == (x2, y2):
        #     return 1

        # if x1 == x2:
        #     ymid = (y1 + y2) // 2
        #     A = self.countShips(sea, Point(x1, ymid), Point(x1, y2))
        #     return A + self.countShips(sea, Point(x1, y1), Point(x1, ymid + 1), A == 0)
        # else:
        #     xmid = (x1 + x2) // 2
        #     A = self.countShips(sea, Point(xmid, y1), Point(x2, y2))
        #     return A + self.countShips(sea, Point(x1, y1), Point(xmid + 1, y2), A == 0)

        x1, y1 = topRight.x, topRight.y
        x2, y2 = bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y

        if x1 < x2 or y1 < y2:
            return 0
        judge = True if claim else sea.hasShips(topRight, bottomLeft)

        if not judge:
            return 0
        if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2 :
            return 1

        if x1 == x2:
            y_mid = (y1 + y2) //2
            A = self.countShips(sea, Point(x1, y_mid), Point(x1, y2))
            return A + self.countShips(sea, Point(x1, y1), Point(x1, y_mid + 1), A == 0)
            x_mid = (x1 + x2) //2
            A = self.countShips(sea, Point(x_mid, y1), Point(x2, y2))
            return A + self.countShips(sea, Point(x1, y1), Point(x_mid + 1, y2), A == 0)


此题解的思路基于二分搜索和递归的方法来确定矩形区域内是否包含船只。首先,如果 topRight 的坐标小于或等于 bottomLeft 的坐标,或者通过调用 API hasShips 发现当前矩形区域内没有船只,则直接返回 0。如果矩形区域缩小到一个点,即 topRight 和 bottomLeft 坐标相同,且该点有船只,则返回 1。否则,根据 x 轴或 y 轴的坐标是否相等来决定如何进一步划分区域。如果 x 坐标相同,则沿 y 轴划分;如果 y 坐标相同,则沿 x 轴划分。对每个子区域递归地调用 countShips 函数,并将结果相加得到总船只数。

时间复杂度: O(logN * logM)

空间复杂度: O(logN + logM)

# Solution class for counting ships in a rectangular sea region

class Solution:
    def countShips(self, sea: 'Sea', topRight: 'Point', bottomLeft: 'Point', claim=False) -> int:
        x1, y1 = topRight.x, topRight.y
        x2, y2 = bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y

        if x1 < x2 or y1 < y2:
            return 0  # No valid rectangle

        judge = True if claim else sea.hasShips(topRight, bottomLeft)

        if not judge:
            return 0  # No ships in this region

        if x1 == x2 and y1 == y2:
            return 1  # Single point with a ship

        if x1 == x2:
            y_mid = (y1 + y2) // 2
            A = self.countShips(sea, Point(x1, y_mid), Point(x1, y2))  # Left half
            return A + self.countShips(sea, Point(x1, y1), Point(x1, y_mid + 1), A == 0)  # Right half
            x_mid = (x1 + x2) // 2
            A = self.countShips(sea, Point(x_mid, y1), Point(x2, y2))  # Lower half
            return A + self.countShips(sea, Point(x1, y1), Point(x_mid + 1, y2), A == 0)  # Upper half




