
标签: 数组 哈希表 数学 计数 数论

难度: Medium

用一个下标从 0 开始的二维整数数组 rectangles 来表示 n 个矩形,其中 rectangles[i] = [widthi, heighti] 表示第 i 个矩形的宽度和高度。

如果两个矩形 iji < j)的宽高比相同,则认为这两个矩形 可互换 。更规范的说法是,两个矩形满足 widthi/heighti == widthj/heightj(使用实数除法而非整数除法),则认为这两个矩形 可互换

计算并返回 rectangles 中有多少对 可互换 矩形。

示例 1:

输入:rectangles = [[4,8],[3,6],[10,20],[15,30]]
解释:下面按下标(从 0 开始)列出可互换矩形的配对情况:
- 矩形 0 和矩形 1 :4/8 == 3/6
- 矩形 0 和矩形 2 :4/8 == 10/20
- 矩形 0 和矩形 3 :4/8 == 15/30
- 矩形 1 和矩形 2 :3/6 == 10/20
- 矩形 1 和矩形 3 :3/6 == 15/30
- 矩形 2 和矩形 3 :10/20 == 15/30

示例 2:

输入:rectangles = [[4,5],[7,8]]


  • n == rectangles.length
  • 1 <= n <= 105
  • rectangles[i].length == 2
  • 1 <= widthi, heighti <= 105


运行时间: 144 ms

内存: 61.5 MB

class Solution:
    def interchangeableRectangles(self, rectangles: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        return sum([x*(x-1)//2 for x in (Counter([w/h for w,h in rectangles]).values())])


The solution leverages a hash map (Counter) to record the frequency of each unique width-to-height ratio encountered among the rectangles. Instead of using the raw division result, which could suffer from floating-point precision issues, it implicitly uses the ratio of width to height. For each unique ratio found, if there are 'x' rectangles with that ratio, the number of interchangeable pairs among these rectangles can be calculated using the combination formula 'x choose 2', which simplifies to x*(x-1)/2. This approach counts all such pairs across different unique ratios.

时间复杂度: O(n)

空间复杂度: O(n)

class Solution:
    def interchangeableRectangles(self, rectangles: List[List[int]]) -> int:
        # Counter to count rectangles by their width-to-height ratio
        from collections import Counter
        # Compute ratio for each rectangle and store in Counter
        ratio_count = Counter(w/h for w, h in rectangles)
        # Calculate the number of interchangeable pairs using combinations of rectangles with the same ratio
        return sum(x * (x - 1) // 2 for x in ratio_count.values())





当你有`x`个相同宽高比的矩形时,你可以从这`x`个矩形中任选两个来形成一对。组合数`C(x, 2)`即是从`x`个元素中选择两个不同元素的方法数,其公式为`x*(x-1)/2`。这是因为每选择一个矩形,都有`x-1`个其他矩形可以与之配对,然后由于每对矩形被计算了两次(一次以A为第一个,B为第二个,一次以B为第一个,A为第二个),所以需要将结果除以2。这种计算方法简单且直接反映了组合的本质。