

运行时间: 50 ms

内存: 22.0 MB

from typing import List

class Solution:
    def minAvailableDuration(self, slots1: List[List[int]], slots2: List[List[int]], duration: int) -> List[int]:
        # Initialize pointers for slots1 and slots2
        p1 = 0
        p2 = 0
        # Sort the slots based on their start times
        slots1, slots2 = sorted(slots1), sorted(slots2)
        # Iterate through both lists to find overlapping slots
        while p1 < len(slots1) and p2 < len(slots2):
            # Extract start and end times for both slots
            s1, e1 = slots1[p1]
            s2, e2 = slots2[p2]
            # Calculate the overlap between the current slots
            left, right = max(s1, s2), min(e1, e2)
            # If the overlap is greater than or equal to the required duration,
            # return the available time slot
            if right - left >= duration:
                return [left, left + duration]
            # Move to the next slot in the list that ends earlier
            if e1 <= e2:
                p1 += 1
                p2 += 1
        # If no suitable slot is found, return an empty list
        return []
    # Sorting both slots lists: O(n log n), where n is the total number of slots across both lists.
    # Iterating through the sorted lists: O(n), where n is the total number of slots across both lists.
    # Overall time complexity: O(n log n).
    # Space complexity: O(1), as only a constant amount of additional space is used.



时间复杂度: O(n log n)

空间复杂度: O(1)

from typing import List

class Solution:
    def minAvailableDuration(self, slots1: List[List[int]], slots2: List[List[int]], duration: int) -> List[int]:
        # Initialize pointers for slots1 and slots2
        p1 = 0
        p2 = 0
        # Sort the slots based on their start times
        slots1, slots2 = sorted(slots1), sorted(slots2)
        # Iterate through both lists to find overlapping slots
        while p1 < len(slots1) and p2 < len(slots2):
            # Extract start and end times for both slots
            s1, e1 = slots1[p1]
            s2, e2 = slots2[p2]
            # Calculate the overlap between the current slots
            left, right = max(s1, s2), min(e1, e2)
            # If the overlap is greater than or equal to the required duration,
            # return the available time slot
            if right - left >= duration:
                return [left, left + duration]
            # Move to the next slot in the list that ends earlier
            if e1 <= e2:
                p1 += 1
                p2 += 1
        # If no suitable slot is found, return an empty list
        return []


在处理两个时间段列表之前进行排序是为了简化时间段交集的查找过程。通过将时间段按开始时间排序,可以确保在遍历时,每个列表中的时间段都是按时间顺序出现。这样,在查找交集时,只需要比较当前两个列表中的时间段。若当前时间段无交集,可以直接移动结束时间较早的时间段的指针,有效地减少了不必要的比较,从而提高算法的效率。排序的时间复杂度为O(n log n),但它为整个查找过程提供了结构上的便利,使得后续的交集查找过程能够以线性时间完成,即O(n)。因此,虽然排序增加了前期的计算成本,但总体上优化了算法的时间效率。

