

难度: Easy

远征队即将开启未知的冒险之旅,不过在此之前,将对补给车队进行最后的检查。`supplies[i]` 表示编号为 `i` 的补给马车装载的物资数量。 考虑到车队过长容易被野兽偷袭,他们决定将车队的长度变为原来的一半(向下取整),计划为: - 找出车队中 **物资之和最小** 两辆 **相邻** 马车,将它们车辆的物资整合为一辆。若存在多组物资之和相同的马车,则取编号最小的两辆马车进行整合; - 重复上述操作直到车队长度符合要求。 请返回车队长度符合要求后,物资的分布情况。 **示例 1:** >输入:`supplies = [7,3,6,1,8]` > >输出:`[10,15]` > >解释: > 第 1 次合并,符合条件的两辆马车为 6,1,合并后的车队为 [7,3,7,8]; > 第 2 次合并,符合条件的两辆马车为 (7,3) 和 (3,7),取编号最小的 (7,3),合并后的车队为 [10,7,8]; > 第 3 次合并,符合条件的两辆马车为 7,8,合并后的车队为 [10,15]; >返回 `[10,15]` **示例 2:** >输入:`supplies = [1,3,1,5]` > >输出:`[5,5]` **解释:** - `2 <= supplies.length <= 1000` - `1 <= supplies[i] <= 1000`


运行时间: 69 ms

内存: 16.4 MB

import heapq
class Solution:
    def supplyWagon(self, supplies: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        # m = {}
        # for i in range(len(supplies)):
        #     m[i] = supplies[i]
        # def findNext(m, i, l):
        #     r = i + 1
        #     while r < l and r not in m:
        #         r += 1
        #     return r
        # l = len(supplies)
        # bound = l
        # while l != (len(supplies) >> 1):
        #     i1 = 0
        #     i2 = 0
        #     r1 = 0
        #     r2 = 0
        #     ma = 100000
        #     while i1 != bound - 1:
        #         i2 = findNext(m, i1, bound)
        #         if m[i1] + m[i2] < ma:
        #             ma = m[i1] + m[i2]
        #             r1 = i1
        #             r2 = i2
        #         i1 = i2
        #     m[r1] += m[r2]
        #     del m[r2]
        #     if r2 == bound - 1:
        #         bound = r1 + 1
        #     l -= 1
        # arr = []
        # for i, j in m.items():
        #     arr.append([i,j])
        # arr.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
        # r = [x[1] for x in arr]
        # return r
        def findPrev(supplies, i):
            i -= 1
            while i >= 0 and supplies[i] == -1:
                i -= 1
            return i
        def findNext(supplies, i):
            i += 1
            while i < len(supplies) and supplies[i] == -1:
                i += 1
            return i
        arr = [[supplies[i] + supplies[i + 1], i, i + 1] for i in range(len(supplies) - 1)]
        l = (len(supplies) + 1) >> 1
        i = 0
        while i < l:
            t = heapq.heappop(arr)
            while supplies[t[1]] + supplies[t[2]] != t[0]:
                t = heapq.heappop(arr)
            supplies[t[1]] += supplies[t[2]]
            supplies[t[2]] = -1
            prev = findPrev(supplies, t[1])
            next = findNext(supplies, t[2])
            if prev != -1:
                heapq.heappush(arr, [supplies[prev] + supplies[t[1]], prev, t[1]])
            if next != len(supplies):
                heapq.heappush(arr, [supplies[next] + supplies[t[1]], t[1], next])
            i += 1
        r = []
        for s in supplies:
            if s != -1:
        return r



时间复杂度: O(n log n)

空间复杂度: O(n)

import heapq
class Solution:
    def supplyWagon(self, supplies: List[int]) -> List[int]:
        # Helper function to find the previous non-merged wagon
        def findPrev(supplies, i):
            i -= 1
            while i >= 0 and supplies[i] == -1:
                i -= 1
            return i
        # Helper function to find the next non-merged wagon
        def findNext(supplies, i):
            i += 1
            while i < len(supplies) and supplies[i] == -1:
                i += 1
            return i
        # Initialize the min-heap with the sum of every two adjacent wagons
        arr = [[supplies[i] + supplies[i + 1], i, i + 1] for i in range(len(supplies) - 1)]
        # Calculate the target length after all merges
        l = (len(supplies) + 1) >> 1
        i = 0
        while i < l:
            # Get the smallest pair from the heap
            t = heapq.heappop(arr)
            # Check if the pair is still valid
            while supplies[t[1]] + supplies[t[2]] != t[0]:
                t = heapq.heappop(arr)
            # Merge the two wagons
            supplies[t[1]] += supplies[t[2]]
            supplies[t[2]] = -1
            # Update the heap with new possible pairs
            prev = findPrev(supplies, t[1])
            next = findNext(supplies, t[2])
            if prev != -1:
                heapq.heappush(arr, [supplies[prev] + supplies[t[1]], prev, t[1]])
            if next != len(supplies):
                heapq.heappush(arr, [supplies[next] + supplies[t[1]], t[1], next])
            i += 1
        # Collect non-merged wagons for the result
        r = []
        for s in supplies:
            if s != -1:
        return r



