美丽塔 II

标签: 数组 单调栈

难度: Medium

给你一个长度为 n 下标从 0 开始的整数数组 maxHeights 。

你的任务是在坐标轴上建 n 座塔。第 i 座塔的下标为 i ,高度为 heights[i] 。

如果以下条件满足,我们称这些塔是 美丽 的:

  1. 1 <= heights[i] <= maxHeights[i]
  2. heights 是一个 山脉 数组。

如果存在下标 i 满足以下条件,那么我们称数组 heights 是一个 山脉 数组:

  • 对于所有 0 < j <= i ,都有 heights[j - 1] <= heights[j]
  • 对于所有 i <= k < n - 1 ,都有 heights[k + 1] <= heights[k]

请你返回满足 美丽塔 要求的方案中,高度和的最大值 。

示例 1:

输入:maxHeights = [5,3,4,1,1]
解释:和最大的美丽塔方案为 heights = [5,3,3,1,1] ,这是一个美丽塔方案,因为:
- 1 <= heights[i] <= maxHeights[i]  
- heights 是个山脉数组,峰值在 i = 0 处。
13 是所有美丽塔方案中的最大高度和。

示例 2:

输入:maxHeights = [6,5,3,9,2,7]
解释: 和最大的美丽塔方案为 heights = [3,3,3,9,2,2] ,这是一个美丽塔方案,因为:
- 1 <= heights[i] <= maxHeights[i]
- heights 是个山脉数组,峰值在 i = 3 处。
22 是所有美丽塔方案中的最大高度和。

示例 3:

输入:maxHeights = [3,2,5,5,2,3]
解释:和最大的美丽塔方案为 heights = [2,2,5,5,2,2] ,这是一个美丽塔方案,因为:
- 1 <= heights[i] <= maxHeights[i]
- heights 是个山脉数组,最大值在 i = 2 处。
注意,在这个方案中,i = 3 也是一个峰值。
18 是所有美丽塔方案中的最大高度和。


  • 1 <= n == maxHeights <= 105
  • 1 <= maxHeights[i] <= 109


运行时间: 227 ms

内存: 39.9 MB

class Solution:

    def maximumSumOfHeights(self, maxHeights: List[int]) -> int:
        n = len(maxHeights)
        pre = [0] * n 
        post = [0] * n 
        s = []
        for i in range(n):
            while s and maxHeights[s[-1]] > maxHeights[i]:
            if not s:
                pre[i] = (i+1)*maxHeights[i]
                pre[i] = pre[s[-1]]+(i-s[-1])*maxHeights[i]
        s = []
        res = 0
        for i in range(n-1, -1, -1):
            while s and maxHeights[s[-1]] > maxHeights[i]:
            if not s:
                post[i] = (n-i)*maxHeights[i]
                post[i] = post[s[-1]]+(s[-1]-i)*maxHeights[i]
            res = max(res, pre[i]+post[i]-maxHeights[i])
        return res



The given solution tries to find the maximum sum of heights for a mountain array configuration. First, it uses two arrays `pre` and `post` to store the maximum possible sum of heights from the start to the current index (for `pre`) and from the current index to the end (for `post`). The algorithm performs two passes over the `maxHeights` array. In the first pass (forward direction), it computes for each tower the maximum sum of heights from the start up to and including that tower, under the constraint that tower heights must not decrease. It uses a stack to maintain indices of towers such that the heights at these indices are in a non-decreasing order. This helps in efficiently computing the range sum by popping indices from the stack when the current tower height is less than the height at the top index of the stack. In the second pass (backward direction), it similarly computes the maximum sum of heights from each tower to the end of the array. Finally, for each tower, it combines these sums (subtracting the tower's height once because it's added in both `pre` and `post`), and tracks the maximum sum obtained. This maximum sum represents the highest sum of heights for a mountain array configuration.

时间复杂度: O(n)

空间复杂度: O(n)

class Solution:
    def maximumSumOfHeights(self, maxHeights: List[int]) -> int:
        n = len(maxHeights)
        pre = [0] * n  # Array to store max sum from start to i
        post = [0] * n  # Array to store max sum from i to end
        s = []  # Stack to maintain indices with non-decreasing maxHeights
        for i in range(n):
            while s and maxHeights[s[-1]] > maxHeights[i]:
                s.pop()  # Maintain non-decreasing order in stack
            if not s:
                pre[i] = (i+1)*maxHeights[i]  # Calculate sum from start to i if it's the smallest seen so far
                pre[i] = pre[s[-1]] + (i-s[-1]) * maxHeights[i]  # Calculate sum using previous values
        s = []
        res = 0
        for i in range(n-1, -1, -1):
            while s and maxHeights[s[-1]] > maxHeights[i]:
            if not s:
                post[i] = (n-i) * maxHeights[i]  # Calculate sum from i to end if it's the smallest seen so far
                post[i] = post[s[-1]] + (s[-1]-i) * maxHeights[i]  # Calculate sum using previous values
            res = max(res, pre[i] + post[i] - maxHeights[i])  # Combine pre and post subtracting current height once
        return res



