
标签: 数组

难度: Easy

力扣城计划在两地设立「力扣嘉年华」的分会场,气象小组正在分析两地区的气温变化趋势,对于第 `i ~ (i+1)` 天的气温变化趋势,将根据以下规则判断: - 若第 `i+1` 天的气温 **高于** 第 `i` 天,为 **上升** 趋势 - 若第 `i+1` 天的气温 **等于** 第 `i` 天,为 **平稳** 趋势 - 若第 `i+1` 天的气温 **低于** 第 `i` 天,为 **下降** 趋势 已知 `temperatureA[i]` 和 `temperatureB[i]` 分别表示第 `i` 天两地区的气温。 组委会希望找到一段天数尽可能多,且两地气温变化趋势相同的时间举办嘉年华活动。请分析并返回两地气温变化趋势**相同的最大连续天数**。 > 即最大的 `n`,使得第 `i~i+n` 天之间,两地气温变化趋势相同 **示例 1:** >输入: >`temperatureA = [21,18,18,18,31]` >`temperatureB = [34,32,16,16,17]` > >输出:`2` > >解释:如下表所示, 第 `2~4` 天两地气温变化趋势相同,且持续时间最长,因此返回 `4-2=2` ![image.png](https://pic.leetcode-cn.com/1663902654-hlrSvs-image.png){:width=1000px} **示例 2:** >输入: >`temperatureA = [5,10,16,-6,15,11,3]` >`temperatureB = [16,22,23,23,25,3,-16]` > >输出:`3` **提示:** - `2 <= temperatureA.length == temperatureB.length <= 1000` - `-20 <= temperatureA[i], temperatureB[i] <= 40`


运行时间: 30 ms

内存: 16.3 MB

class Solution:
    def temperatureTrend(self, temperatureA: List[int], temperatureB: List[int]) -> int:
        t1,t2,l = [],[],len(temperatureA)
        for i in range(1,l):
            n1,n2 = temperatureA[i]-temperatureA[i-1],temperatureB[i]-temperatureB[i-1]
            t1.append(n1//abs(n1) if n1 != 0 else 0)
            t2.append(n2//abs(n2) if n2 != 0 else 0)
        ans,days = 0,0
        for i in range(l-1):
            if t1[i] != t2[i]:
                ans = max(ans,days)
                days = 0
                days += 1
        ans = max(ans,days)
        return ans


The provided solution aims to find the longest contiguous subarray where the temperature trends between two locations are the same. Firstly, it calculates the daily temperature change for each location and represents it as -1, 0, or 1 (decrease, no change, increase). These trends are stored in two lists (t1 for location A, t2 for location B). Then, by iterating over these trend lists, the solution counts the length of contiguous subarrays where the trends match. The maximum length found during this process is the output.

时间复杂度: O(n)

空间复杂度: O(n)

class Solution:
    def temperatureTrend(self, temperatureA: List[int], temperatureB: List[int]) -> int:
        t1, t2, l = [], [], len(temperatureA)
        # Compute trend differences for each day for both locations
        for i in range(1, l):
            n1, n2 = temperatureA[i] - temperatureA[i-1], temperatureB[i] - temperatureB[i-1]
            # Convert differences to -1, 0, 1 representing down, same, up
            t1.append(n1 // abs(n1) if n1 != 0 else 0)
            t2.append(n2 // abs(n2) if n2 != 0 else 0)
        ans, days = 0, 0
        # Compare trend arrays to find the longest matching subarray
        for i in range(l-1):
            if t1[i] != t2[i]:
                ans = max(ans, days)  # Update maximum length found
                days = 0  # Reset days counter when mismatch found
                days += 1  # Increment days counter when trends match
        ans = max(ans, days)  # Check last subarray
        return ans



